RX8er wrote:The only problem I have with this video is that he was "looking for a fight" and that is not good for the OC movement. I agree that we all should be forceful when pushing back on our rights but IMHO, it does no good to go looking for a fight to push an agenda. Amoung the anti crowd, this guy was bashed for wasting the officers time to picking fights to being defiant. On one site, a lady says "see, these gun grabbers are always just looking for a fight and don't listen to LEO. The officer could have been shot so we need to take guns away."
I ask an anti buddy of mine what he thinks of the protests and his comment is always about the redneck, foul mouth, EOTWAWKI, hick talkin', suspender shirtless guys that are unedumacated that he sees on the news. We need more guys in suites with educations talking intelligently about guns and our rights.
He may have not been looking for a confrontation. Most everyone who has a modern cellphone has a video camera and alot of people record interaction with LEOs just for proof. Cops know that they cannot approach someone for a legal activity, but they do it anyway. If I lived in a all white neighborhood and saw a black guy driving down the road and called the cops do you think they would waste their time to stop him?
If cops get a call about someone open carrying then they should just do a drive by, if they see the person walking with a holstered firearm then they have no reason to stop them. Better yet when someone calls 911 and says someone is walking down main street with a holstered gun the dispatcher should inform the caller that its a legal activity and there is nothing they can do about it. The law student was right even though the cop said it was common practice to stop and question him its still illegal.