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by EEllis
Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:49 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: So... anyone seen these guys rolling around town? (Dallas)
Replies: 53
Views: 9498

Re: So... anyone seen these guys rolling around town? (Dalla

G26ster wrote:
I mentioned that the DHS "oversees" agencies. So the uniformed agencies you list no longer mark their vehicles with the name of the specific agency, and just say DHS Police/Rescue?

I think it may have more to do with what they are doing than who they are but at times you might find agents from those agencies using Homeland security marked vehicles especially when it's for training or a "task force" composed of multiple agencies.
ImageICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) special agents participate in a rigorous training exercise utilizing armored vehicles designated for Special Response Teams. Exercises like this one prepare special agents for national security events.

While it may be bull this is one of the organizations that handle the investigations into possible terrorism in the US. If it involves foreign nationals it would make some sense for them to be the lead agency. Now what the heck they need it in dallas for I don't know. An article written by Business Insider is excerpted as follows:
The Department of Homeland Security is using 16 military-style, mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles for use during “high-risk warrants,” according to an official spokesman…

The MRAPs were transferred to DHS from the Department of Defense, free of charge…

The vehicles are modified for use with the DHS Special Response Team — specially trained, fully armored agents dispatched during the most severe and high risk situations…

“[The vehicle] is used in the execution of high-risk warrants — including drug trafficking, smuggling, and contraband,” “We have 16 MRAPs nationwide.”

source: ... rap-2013-3" onclick=";return false;

And here we have a vid of the vehicle
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And just for those who are wondering they didn't buy these vehicles. They are part of a batch that the Marine corps bought for Iraq and are no longer needed and were given to the DHS for no cost.

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