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by paustin
Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:17 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 94180

Re: january apps

deko123 wrote:Looked on the status update today,and my license says mailed today 3/25.Started this whole process on 1/28,so 57 days to get to this point. :clapping: :patriot: :cheers2: :hurry: :thewave
Congrats -- maybe by this weekend :anamatedbanana
by paustin
Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:14 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 94180

Re: january apps

Texasbiggs wrote:Emailed paperwork Jan. 20th
All of the steps seem to follow all the mailed in ones
Received March 21.......59 days

Email seemed to be about same as mailed.

Did Wally walk last night.

No more forum checks..........
by paustin
Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:59 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 94180

Re: january apps

:anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana

Congrats to all of those who received theirs yesterday--lots of plastic in the mail!

:cheers2: :cheers2:
by paustin
Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:24 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 94180

Re: january apps

Hrivera1 wrote:
deko123 wrote:Been in backround review for one month.Sent my paperwork in on 1/28.they received it on 2/20 and there I have sat in backround review.looked today 3/19 and still in backround review.Dont know what the hold up is,I have a clean record.

I sent all my paper work on 1/28 and Recived mailed status on 3/14/13 still waiting for plastic maybe today lol I could hope.

Took class on 01/24/13
Sent packet and did prints on 1/28/13
2/22/13 Application Recived, Background Check Under Review
03/08/13 Manufacturing pending.
03/12/13 Manufacturing
03/14/13 Mailed
3/20/13 still waiting for plastic. :totap:
Few more days of waiting...this is the hardest part. Should have this week :anamatedbanana
by paustin
Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:47 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 94180

Re: january apps

atxscubasteve wrote:
HKMike wrote:DPS has done their part. Now just waiting on the mail...and waiting...and waiting...
CHL mailed 1/26
Background check under review 2/16
Manufacturing pending 3/10
Manufacturing 3/12
Mailed 3/13
Is ridiculous how long it takes to go from "mailed" status online till you actually receive plastic. If I'm not mistaken, when I called to ask about this delay, they told me that they actually use a tortoise to take all the mail to the USPS. Something about it getting good gas mileage, and holds up well in wind storms.
'Mailed' really means sent to mail room, where it may sit 2-4 days before postmarked and sent. But hey, at least you know the end of the wait is near :patriot:
by paustin
Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:20 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 94180

Re: january apps

mlsa wrote:Mine has been in Background Check since February 11.....checked this morning (didn't check at all this weekend)....license in mail. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa

Whoa--that's a fun surprise :anamatedbanana
by paustin
Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:42 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 94180

Re: january apps

Longhorn-breeder wrote:Started the process on 1/12/2013 submitted electronic, status changed to mailed on 3/17/2013! Now the mailbox watch begins :clapping: :woohoo
Mine was 'mailed' last Sunday and received on Friday (in Austin). It was really postmarked on Thurs and received Friday, even though showed 'mailed' on Sunday. Be patient--it will be a long week but worth it :txflag:
by paustin
Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:47 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 94180

Re: january apps

jchristian79 wrote:Update:

1/4/2013 - Completed/submitted online app
1/26/2013 - Completed fingerprints
1/27/2013 - Completed CHL Class
1/28/2013 - Mailed CHL packet certified mail
1/31/2013 - DPS signed for CHL packet
2/19/2013 - DPS status finally changed to Application received and Background Check: Under Review
3/14/2013 - Background check COMPLETE!
3/15/2013 - Manufacturing!!!!

I think the month long delay in background was because I've only lived in TX for 6 months. Hopefully I'll receive my official plastic this next week! :woohoo
In the home stretch :anamatedbanana

Should see 'mailed' sometime this weekend (keep in mind that means it will most likely be postmarked and actually mailed Tues or Weds of next week and you should be Wally Walking by Thurs for Friday :hurry:
by paustin
Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:07 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 94180

Re: january apps

Brad Mc wrote:I wish I had a dollar for every time I've checked my status! It's crazy how fast some get pushed through and how slow others take.
I know it's tough, but plan on a month of it not moving, so don't check for a month (I lasted two weeks) when you go back things may have moved. Once it goes to manufacturing--that's when you start checking every 2 minutes :mrgreen:

Good luck and don't torture yourself by checking too much :thumbs2:
by paustin
Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:51 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 94180

Re: january apps

:hurry: :hurry: :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :hurry: :hurry:

:txflag: PLASTIC IN HAND! :txflag:

"Mailed" Sunday.
Postmarked 14th, receive 3/15!

:thewave :thewave
by paustin
Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:23 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 94180

Re: january apps

ballfroguy wrote:
paustin wrote:
ballfroguy wrote:
Hogie wrote:Just checked the mailbox and it was sitting in there between all the junk mail crap we get.

Online App: 1/25/2013
Class Taken: 1/26/2013
Mailed Photos & Docs: 1/28/2013
Received by DPS: 1/30/2013 (via Certified Return Receipt)
Fingerprints Done: 2/5/2013
In Background Check Review: 2/17/2013
Background Check Completed: 3/7/2013
MFG Completed: 3/10/2013
Mailed: 3/10/2013
Received: 3/14/2013
So that was 43 days mailbox to mailbox?

The metered stamping on the envelope is from 3/12.
Mine is the same dates as you, I hope mine came in today!
Let us know--as mine was the same dates and a no show today :mad5

Nothin here bro, maybe today? :mad5
Okay, well I don't feel tooooo bad, if I'm not the only one. I hope today!!! :drool: :grumble
by paustin
Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:48 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 94180

Re: january apps

ballfroguy wrote:
Hogie wrote:Just checked the mailbox and it was sitting in there between all the junk mail crap we get.

Online App: 1/25/2013
Class Taken: 1/26/2013
Mailed Photos & Docs: 1/28/2013
Received by DPS: 1/30/2013 (via Certified Return Receipt)
Fingerprints Done: 2/5/2013
In Background Check Review: 2/17/2013
Background Check Completed: 3/7/2013
MFG Completed: 3/10/2013
Mailed: 3/10/2013
Received: 3/14/2013
So that was 43 days mailbox to mailbox?

The metered stamping on the envelope is from 3/12.
Mine is the same dates as you, I hope mine came in today!
Let us know--as mine was the same dates and a no show today :mad5

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