Versatility--yes. But here is what I have found with the AR system (M4A1)over a period of 10 years. While in the USMC, I was a big fan of the gun, in training it shot well and I learned to love it. It all fell apart my first time in combat, here is a short list of my problems: (from a new rifle) complete bolt failure, firing pin broke, gas tube failure, As you are see these are not typical problems like FTF which is usually bent, or bad magazines. These are flaws with the operating system of the gun (gas system). Besides that the gun requires constant cleaning, is picky about ammunition and overheats easily. When I left the Corp and became a Security Contractor, I made it a point to use an assault rifle that operated with a gas-piston design (FAL, AK, FN FNC).
My point is versatility is never as important as durability and dependability. That is what will get you home.
I am in the business of betting my life on a piece of gear--would I do that today with an AR--absolutely not, it has let me down too many times.
Is an AK-47 versatile? Not really. Is it flashy? no, in fact it is ugly.
But I have seen AK-47's fire full of dirt, after being run over by a Humvee and after being dropped out of a helicopter. Thats durability.
I won't start in on my opinion of the 5.56/.223--I have some horror stories with it also. (It is funny when Eugene Stoner originally designed the AR, it was in .308 caliber, the best combat caliber ever made).
I am not arguing with you KB, I just want to say what I have seen and let people decide.
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- Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:17 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Looking for advice on AK 47
- Replies: 20
- Views: 3658
- Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:45 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Looking for advice on AK 47
- Replies: 20
- Views: 3658
I will add another 2 cents on this, since I have used AK's and their variant quite a bit in my work.
1. AK's as opposed to AR's are easier to field repair and cheaper to fix--their Operating System is much simpler. I can compare it to an standard and automatic transmission- a standard has less moving parts than an automatic; this means it is less likely to break down. The AK (or any gas piston weapon, such as a FAL) has fewer moving parts than an AR, it is much easier to field strip and requires less cleaning because the fouling is not blown back into the receiver assembly and gas tube. You can also buy a complete AK repair kit (including bolt) for cheap, I keep 10-15 lying around.
2. Ammo power. The 7.62X39 though not intrinsically accurate as the 5.56/.223, hits much harder and does much more damage on impact. I have seen AK rounds go thru a telephone pole, thru a buddy of mines leg, and lodge in a car door. My buddy lost the lower part of his leg, because a 7.62X39 round is designed to tumble once it enters soft tissue, causing catastrophic damage. Russian's were playing for keeps in their weapons and ammo designs during the Cold War. I will give the 5.56/.223 the award for superb accuracy, I have seen amazing shots made with that round. The Soviet answer to to our NATO 5.56 round was the 5.45X39 for the AK-74 Rifle, I own one of these also and like it alot.
There are several things to consider before buying an AK Rifle for home defense, namely--over-penetration. One of the reaons SWAT teams now use .223 AR's on entry teams is the frangibility of the round, unlike the formerly used HK MP-5 9mm sub-machinegun round, a .223 round because of it's velocity (3000 FPS) will often disintergrate when it hits barriers. Several lawsuits later, Police Depts. around the nation switched to .223 AR's rather then MP-5's.
The AK-47 round, being a much heavier round--penetrates anything it comes across. Take these things into consideration before you buy.
1. AK's as opposed to AR's are easier to field repair and cheaper to fix--their Operating System is much simpler. I can compare it to an standard and automatic transmission- a standard has less moving parts than an automatic; this means it is less likely to break down. The AK (or any gas piston weapon, such as a FAL) has fewer moving parts than an AR, it is much easier to field strip and requires less cleaning because the fouling is not blown back into the receiver assembly and gas tube. You can also buy a complete AK repair kit (including bolt) for cheap, I keep 10-15 lying around.
2. Ammo power. The 7.62X39 though not intrinsically accurate as the 5.56/.223, hits much harder and does much more damage on impact. I have seen AK rounds go thru a telephone pole, thru a buddy of mines leg, and lodge in a car door. My buddy lost the lower part of his leg, because a 7.62X39 round is designed to tumble once it enters soft tissue, causing catastrophic damage. Russian's were playing for keeps in their weapons and ammo designs during the Cold War. I will give the 5.56/.223 the award for superb accuracy, I have seen amazing shots made with that round. The Soviet answer to to our NATO 5.56 round was the 5.45X39 for the AK-74 Rifle, I own one of these also and like it alot.
There are several things to consider before buying an AK Rifle for home defense, namely--over-penetration. One of the reaons SWAT teams now use .223 AR's on entry teams is the frangibility of the round, unlike the formerly used HK MP-5 9mm sub-machinegun round, a .223 round because of it's velocity (3000 FPS) will often disintergrate when it hits barriers. Several lawsuits later, Police Depts. around the nation switched to .223 AR's rather then MP-5's.
The AK-47 round, being a much heavier round--penetrates anything it comes across. Take these things into consideration before you buy.
- Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:25 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Looking for advice on AK 47
- Replies: 20
- Views: 3658
You might want to check out Vectorarms, they have some good AK's for the money. I have an AK-47 and AK-74 from them, no problems to date.
I paid $525 for my AK with all black furniture and $567 for my AK-74. I have since upgraded both guns with a few parts (trigger kits) and can now shoot respectable groups up to 200 yds.
As a whole, I am a FAL man myself, but the gas piston system of both the AK and FAL are far better than your everyday AR system. The AR market has try to remedy this with the new gas piston AR's, which I like, but I still see a FAL as superior. Don't get me wrong, as a former Marine I toted one around my entire stretch, I now own 3 AR's, they are a tool like anything else--but if you put a .223/5.56 AR up against a .308/7.62 FAL--I will take the .308 FAL everytime, it is just a better combat round. Combine that with an operating system that can function in the worst environment and you have the ultimate combat rifle.
Check at for some great FAL's.
I paid $525 for my AK with all black furniture and $567 for my AK-74. I have since upgraded both guns with a few parts (trigger kits) and can now shoot respectable groups up to 200 yds.
As a whole, I am a FAL man myself, but the gas piston system of both the AK and FAL are far better than your everyday AR system. The AR market has try to remedy this with the new gas piston AR's, which I like, but I still see a FAL as superior. Don't get me wrong, as a former Marine I toted one around my entire stretch, I now own 3 AR's, they are a tool like anything else--but if you put a .223/5.56 AR up against a .308/7.62 FAL--I will take the .308 FAL everytime, it is just a better combat round. Combine that with an operating system that can function in the worst environment and you have the ultimate combat rifle.
Check at for some great FAL's.