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by krieghoff
Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:16 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: wheelchair for a large dog - or any help / advice
Replies: 54
Views: 12231

Re: wheelchair for a large dog - or any help / advice

PBR wrote:Well it's done and was the hardest thing I have pretty much ever done. It was so hard and tough to do, I cried like a baby the whole time and as soon as they put the needle in I almost started screaming NO!!!! I feel like she almost knew what was happening or going on which made it so much harder. I feel like I gave up on her.

edited: Also another tough part coming up in few hours when Augie gets here and have to tell her
My heart goes out to you sir. It's really tough. I am afraid I will be facing this myself here in a few more months with my 13 year old Cocker Spaniel. You will get through this and will have the good memories to look back on.

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