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by Strat9mm
Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:44 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.
Replies: 472
Views: 91900

Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.

Bladed wrote:
Strat9mm wrote:
Bladed wrote:
Strat9mm wrote:With the minimal class time required now, I really don't see the point.

30 days should be more than enough.

Slow-tracking those who are already licensed is just that, slow-tracking those who are already licensed.

And on thinking about this even more, I don't think there should be any delay at all if the bill is passed.

Instructors and DPS can deal with the curriculum changes on their own time, not 'ours'.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this is your first time supporting a controversial bill in the Texas Legislature.

After the first couple of times you see your pet bill go down in flames (with 18-month interims between sessions), your perspective on time will change quite a bit. The people who know what it's like to spend years fighting for a single bill understand that a four-month delay is nothing in the long run.

The first time campus carry passed out of the Texas Senate (2009), the effective date was pushed back a full year, from September 1, 2009, to September 1, 2010. Considering that September 1, 2010, was four years, six months, and sixteen days ago and that we're still fighting to pass campus carry, that one-year delay doesn't seem so long anymore.
Honestly, I'd prefer to see it passed, asap, and put into effect for licensed carriers immediately.

But if not, meh.

You see, I don't have a very positive outlook for the future. As far as I'm concerned, WW-III (three) already started with Gulf War II, and it won't end until.. well, the battle of (or more accurately, at) Armageddon (a real location). That's just a personal view.

And if my view is accurate, in a very short time, very few people will care whether it's legal to carry, open or concealed. They will just carry, because law-enforcement will be paralyzed by riots and other unnatural disasters and it will be every man, and woman, and family, for themselves.

But perhaps if we stop dilly-dallying, perhaps just a few more lives can be saved, or at least prolonged just a bit.. until all heck breaks loose.

Either way, our future is pretty much set, in my considered opinion.

So why don't we just get on with it.
I'm all for preparedness, but maybe you should keep that theory to yourself when pushing for less-restrictive gun laws.
It's a forum for open discussion.

I felt like sharing.

This general conversation is almost like trying to argue that armed police don't prevent crimes, when in actuality they do... and they don't.

And with this salient point, I end my time in the weeds.
by Strat9mm
Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:40 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.
Replies: 472
Views: 91900

Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.

By the way, you guessed wrong.

Bad guy with knife would have either left, picked another store, or not killed anyone on that particular day, or got shot for his troubles.

Your logic assumes bad guy with knife, in full view of an armed police officer, would still maim, injure and kill.

Your logic, is more of a lack thereof.

Whether it's a law-enforcement officer, or someone licensed and OC'ing, the effect is the same.

And even if the bad guy goes ahead with his plan, the OC law didn't hurt anyone, and logically, would have probably helped.

If arguments aren't logical, they are useless.
by Strat9mm
Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:25 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.
Replies: 472
Views: 91900

Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Strat9mm wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Strat9mm wrote:I could answer by hypothetically asking, well, exactly how much is a saved human life worth if it's lost because someone could have carried openly, sooner, but didn't?
Not one single life will be saved by open-carry. Please don't buy that three-legged horse the open-carry folks are selling.
Strat9mm wrote:But the real question is, what does preparing updated training for -future- licensee's have to do with those of us who are already licensed, and would presumably be able to open carry immediately without any further required training.
You're correct that current licensees will not receive any additional training. However, a bill cannot have one effective date for one group of people (current licensees) and a different effective date for everyone else. CHL instructors cannot renew until after the legislative session ends in June and there simply isn't time for 3,000 + instructors to renew prior to Sept. 1st. That would mean that DPS and CHL instructors would be violating the new law by not teaching a required topic, i.e. weapon retention, to every new student we teach prior to being recertified.
Strat9mm wrote:Given how much the training and renewal requirements have already been cut, are we going to have to go through more training when we aren't even up for renewal? Perhaps I missed something.
No. The Code setting the minimum and maximum times have not changed, nor have renewal courses been reinstated.

Not a single life will be saved by open carry?

Here's a scenario...

CHL open carries into a convenience store.. low-life with a knife is about to rob it and spots the CHL who is open-carrying, about the same time said CHL spots the low-life.. and keeps looking at him.

Guess what happens?

The described scenario is quite likely as of course, are innumerable others. But just because other scenarios are possibilities does NOT negate the possibility of said scenario never occurring.
Correct, not a single life will be saved.

Very few robberies are carried out with a knife rather than a gun, especially in your setting of a convenience store. Even if the events you describe were to occur, the hijacker would likely wait until the person carrying openly leaves the store, then do what they have planned. If not, they go to another store and do what they have planned. If the plan was not to murder the clerk, then no lives were saved. If the plan is to murder the clerk, then no lives were saved.

The absurd testimony today was that an innocent person carrying a handgun openly would have time to respond to a deadly attack while someone carrying concealed would not have time. I think his precise words were "they would have to dig for their gun." The testimony was as silly as their so-called public service announcement video with the young mother with her child in a park. It was as joke! Of course he had to imply that the gun was stuck in a purse or some other inconvenient place, rather than a belt or an IWB holster.

Here's the reality of being at the scene of an armed robbery. If a hijacker or more likely a team of hijackers enter a store or restaurant and see you are armed, one of two things are going to happen. You will be disarmed, or you will be summarily shot. If you try to draw on someone who already has a gun on you and they know you are armed, then you will die. You aren't Clint Eastwood, it won't be Hollywood, you will die.

If I'm in the store or restaurant, the hikacker(s) will not know I'm armed unless/until I decide to act. Their attention will not be drawn to me and I may well have the opportunity to draw and engage catching them by surprise. It only takes a second or two of a inattention for me to draw and engage an unsuspecting attacker. If his focus is directly on me, there are methods to feign compliance and to trick him into glancing away giving you time to draw and engage. I won't mention them here, but these are tactics I teach in my advanced classes. I have been to countless tactical schools and courses, I served as a police officer for 10 years, shot in USPSA and IDPA competition, and have been a firearms instructor for 40 years. I'm not engaging in speculation or an academic discussion. Do yourself and your fellow open-carry supporters a favor and don't try to sell open-carry on any basis other than it may be a convenience to some people. Trying to argue there is a tactical advantage or that it will reduce crime works against your cause.

One carrying openly is always at a tactical disadvantage and to argue otherwise shows a lack of training experience.

I've already stated the OC is a easier than concealed.

And you've already admitted that drawing from open-carry is faster than concealed.

The described scenario may have prevented injury and/or death, but you can't say it wouldn't, it could.

And even if it didn't, who did it hurt? No one.

As far as tactics go, sure, it's better to conceal the fact that one is armed, it leaves numerous options open that otherwise would not be.

But as I wrote before, if it's going to be done, perhaps we should get it done, and get it over with.

I'd prefer to not spend so much time buried in the weeds, when we shouldn't have to be there in the first place.

After all, open carry, having my own M1A Abrams, or F-16, or P-51 or F4-U Corsair loaded with .50 cal machine guns, should have been Constitutionally protected as the Right that it -IS-.

Too bad it wasn't. Not that I could afford any of that, but I should have had the right protected.

It wasn't.
by Strat9mm
Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:07 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.
Replies: 472
Views: 91900

Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.

Bladed wrote:
Strat9mm wrote:With the minimal class time required now, I really don't see the point.

30 days should be more than enough.

Slow-tracking those who are already licensed is just that, slow-tracking those who are already licensed.

And on thinking about this even more, I don't think there should be any delay at all if the bill is passed.

Instructors and DPS can deal with the curriculum changes on their own time, not 'ours'.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this is your first time supporting a controversial bill in the Texas Legislature.

After the first couple of times you see your pet bill go down in flames (with 18-month interims between sessions), your perspective on time will change quite a bit. The people who know what it's like to spend years fighting for a single bill understand that a four-month delay is nothing in the long run.

The first time campus carry passed out of the Texas Senate (2009), the effective date was pushed back a full year, from September 1, 2009, to September 1, 2010. Considering that September 1, 2010, was four years, six months, and sixteen days ago and that we're still fighting to pass campus carry, that one-year delay doesn't seem so long anymore.
Honestly, I'd prefer to see it passed, asap, and put into effect for licensed carriers immediately.

But if not, meh.

You see, I don't have a very positive outlook for the future. As far as I'm concerned, WW-III (three) already started with Gulf War II, and it won't end until.. well, the battle of (or more accurately, at) Armageddon (a real location). That's just a personal view.

And if my view is accurate, in a very short time, very few people will care whether it's legal to carry, open or concealed. They will just carry, because law-enforcement will be paralyzed by riots and other unnatural disasters and it will be every man, and woman, and family, for themselves.

But perhaps if we stop dilly-dallying, perhaps just a few more lives can be saved, or at least prolonged just a bit.. until all hell breaks loose.

Either way, our future is pretty much set, in my considered opinion.

So why don't we just get on with it.
by Strat9mm
Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:44 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.
Replies: 472
Views: 91900

Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Strat9mm wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Pb_shutr wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:I hope that a lot of OCT/OCTC/CATI folks are watching this debate. If anyone watching thinks that unlicensed open-carry had any chance of passage, then they are unwilling to to fact political reality.

Mr. Cotton,
Can you enlighten me what the useful purpose of "licensed" open carry is supposed to achieve? It is my concern that each and every LEO will feel obligated to enforce "licensed" open carry by approaching every open carry individual to check that person's compliance with said law and asking for proof of approval to open carry. Why would I subject myself to this forced interaction by each LEO, maybe even several times just on one particular outing. In addition, I think these LEO's are going to on very heightened alert. At this time I can carry concealed standing shoulder to should with an LEO and he/she never knows I'm carrying and has no concern with me. Now, I do understand if I encounter a bad guy and need my firearm, I do have to draw from concealment.
I see absolutely no utility to open-carry whatsoever. Some people want it for various reasons, none of which I've heard have anything to do with utility. The testimony today that open-carry reduces crime is utterly without any support or evidence. The testimony that someone carrying concealed would not have time to respond to a deadly attach whereas one carrying openly would be able to respond was laughable! My cover garment adds less than 1/2 second to my draw, if that.

I'm supporting it because I'm a good soldier and the decision was made to promote open-carry.
Open carry is easier and you just admitted it's faster, and it is.

I don't care if I have an INFIDEL cap on, and a shoot me first shirt on as well. If I decide to open carry because though it SHOULD be constitutionally allowed, but because it's finally at least legally allowed, I should be able to do it, and not have to wait around if I'm not required to take more training, just because others WILL be required to take modified training to become licensed and that training has not been prepared yet. Frankly, that's not my problem.
You need to read my response again; I did not say open-carry was faster. I said the testimony was laughable. I heard that bogus claim for the first time today during the hearing.

You wrote "My cover garment adds less than 1/2 second to my draw, if that."

Perhaps I misunderstood and that quote was from testimony.

If open-carry does not require a level-2 or level-3 holster, and a speed-draw comp holster can be worn, I can guarantee that draw will be faster than anyone who is carrying concealed. Nevermind the increased requirements for weapons-retention training. That's a separate topic.
by Strat9mm
Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:41 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.
Replies: 472
Views: 91900

Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Strat9mm wrote:I could answer by hypothetically asking, well, exactly how much is a saved human life worth if it's lost because someone could have carried openly, sooner, but didn't?
Not one single life will be saved by open-carry. Please don't buy that three-legged horse the open-carry folks are selling.
Strat9mm wrote:But the real question is, what does preparing updated training for -future- licensee's have to do with those of us who are already licensed, and would presumably be able to open carry immediately without any further required training.
You're correct that current licensees will not receive any additional training. However, a bill cannot have one effective date for one group of people (current licensees) and a different effective date for everyone else. CHL instructors cannot renew until after the legislative session ends in June and there simply isn't time for 3,000 + instructors to renew prior to Sept. 1st. That would mean that DPS and CHL instructors would be violating the new law by not teaching a required topic, i.e. weapon retention, to every new student we teach prior to being recertified.
Strat9mm wrote:Given how much the training and renewal requirements have already been cut, are we going to have to go through more training when we aren't even up for renewal? Perhaps I missed something.
No. The Code setting the minimum and maximum times have not changed, nor have renewal courses been reinstated.

Not a single life will be saved by open carry?

Here's a scenario...

CHL open carries into a convenience store.. low-life with a knife is about to rob it and spots the CHL who is open-carrying, about the same time said CHL spots the low-life.. and keeps looking at him.

Guess what happens?

The described scenario is quite likely as of course, are innumerable others. But just because other scenarios are possibilities does NOT negate the possibility of said scenario never occurring.
by Strat9mm
Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:30 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.
Replies: 472
Views: 91900

Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.

jmra wrote:
Strat9mm wrote:Respectfully, I'm not angry, I'm just confused.

I could answer by hypothetically asking, well, exactly how much is a saved human life worth if it's lost because someone could have carried openly, sooner, but didn't?

But the real question is, what does preparing updated training for -future- licensee's have to do with those of us who are already licensed, and would presumably be able to open carry immediately without any further required training.

Given how much the training and renewal requirements have already been cut, are we going to have to go through more training when we aren't even up for renewal? Perhaps I missed something.
Lost life because you can't OC? Really?
The rest is spilt milk. Fortunately the glass is still half full.
I posed a hypothetical question.

Are you really going to deny it's an impossible scenario even though it was already implied as being highly improbable?

Why bother replying?
by Strat9mm
Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:28 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.
Replies: 472
Views: 91900

Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Pb_shutr wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:I hope that a lot of OCT/OCTC/CATI folks are watching this debate. If anyone watching thinks that unlicensed open-carry had any chance of passage, then they are unwilling to to fact political reality.

Mr. Cotton,
Can you enlighten me what the useful purpose of "licensed" open carry is supposed to achieve? It is my concern that each and every LEO will feel obligated to enforce "licensed" open carry by approaching every open carry individual to check that person's compliance with said law and asking for proof of approval to open carry. Why would I subject myself to this forced interaction by each LEO, maybe even several times just on one particular outing. In addition, I think these LEO's are going to on very heightened alert. At this time I can carry concealed standing shoulder to should with an LEO and he/she never knows I'm carrying and has no concern with me. Now, I do understand if I encounter a bad guy and need my firearm, I do have to draw from concealment.
I see absolutely no utility to open-carry whatsoever. Some people want it for various reasons, none of which I've heard have anything to do with utility. The testimony today that open-carry reduces crime is utterly without any support or evidence. The testimony that someone carrying concealed would not have time to respond to a deadly attach whereas one carrying openly would be able to respond was laughable! My cover garment adds less than 1/2 second to my draw, if that.

I'm supporting it because I'm a good soldier and the decision was made to promote open-carry.
Open carry is easier and you just admitted it's faster, and it is.

I don't care if I have an INFIDEL cap on, and a shoot me first shirt on as well. If I decide to open carry because though it SHOULD be constitutionally allowed, but because it's finally at least legally allowed, I should be able to do it, and not have to wait around if I'm not required to take more training, just because others WILL be required to take modified training to become licensed and that training has not been prepared yet. Frankly, that's not my problem.
by Strat9mm
Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:05 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.
Replies: 472
Views: 91900

Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.

Respectfully, I'm not angry, I'm just confused.

I could answer by hypothetically asking, well, exactly how much is a saved human life worth if it's lost because someone could have carried openly, sooner, but didn't?

But the real question is, what does preparing updated training for -future- licensee's have to do with those of us who are already licensed, and would presumably be able to open carry immediately without any further required training.

Given how much the training and renewal requirements have already been cut, are we going to have to go through more training when we aren't even up for renewal? Perhaps I missed something.
by Strat9mm
Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:50 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.
Replies: 472
Views: 91900

Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.

jmra wrote:
Strat9mm wrote:With the minimal class time required now, I really don't see the point.

30 days should be more than enough.

Slow-tracking those who are already licensed is just that, slow-tracking those who are already licensed.
You do realize you are talking about a government agency right? There are only so many classes for CHL instructors. The delay from 9/1 to 1/1 is simply not that big a deal.
I don't understand what that has to do with those of us who are already licensed, took the 'long' class, and not even close to renewing.

Why penalize one group, when they don't need to be?
by Strat9mm
Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:44 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.
Replies: 472
Views: 91900

Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.

With the minimal class time required now, I really don't see the point.

30 days should be more than enough.

Slow-tracking those who are already licensed is just that, slow-tracking those who are already licensed.

And on thinking about this even more, I don't think there should be any delay at all if the bill is passed.

Instructors and DPS can deal with the curriculum changes on their own time, not 'ours'.
by Strat9mm
Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:34 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.
Replies: 472
Views: 91900

Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.

Why would anyone want to approve an amendment to delay an open carry law from taking effect until the beginning of 2016?

That was one of the amendments that passed.

I'm curious as to why anyone would vote for it since obviously, many just did.

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