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by NcongruNt
Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:25 pm
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: WiFi repeater or range extender
Replies: 19
Views: 4513

Re: WiFi repeater or range extender

How far away is this dock?

Another solution would be to put an AP with a high-gain directional antenna pointing in the direction of your dock. This would not only increase signal to the dock, but the high gain antenna would be much more sensitive to the signal coming from your laptop. A relatively simple solution would get a simple wireless AP (not router), put it in a waterproof antenna/enclosure on a wall or something outside facing your dock, and run an ethernet cable back to your router. Power is done over Power Over Ethernet, which requires plugging the little injector box into the cable you ran, then running a cable from that into your router.

I've had good experience with these antennas: ... cts_id=523" onclick=";return false; or ... cts_id=524" onclick=";return false; as I use them in my work environment. Any AP that will do POE and has an external antenna connector will work, and you simply need a pigtail cable to run from the back of the AP to the antenna connector on the inside of the antenna enclosure. Normally, I use these units: ... cts_id=361" onclick=";return false; but that would put you out of the price range you stated, and that much power isn't really needed for the situation you described (I use them in my work to create links over a distance of MILES).

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