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by Bladed
Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:14 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Special Session -- 2013
Replies: 106
Views: 55352

Re: Special Session -- 2013

JKTex wrote:
Bladed wrote:Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst already asked for campus carry to be added to the special session. Governor Perry is the one who apparently decided not to add it.
Where did you hear that? I've tried to find where anyone has publicly said what they've discussed and haven't found anything. ... ecial-ses/" onclick=";return false;
by Bladed
Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:20 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Special Session -- 2013
Replies: 106
Views: 55352

Re: Special Session -- 2013

Beiruty wrote:Honorable Lt. Governor David Dewhurst,

I am really disappointed to learn that no Pro-gun laws would be introduced in the special session call. I, as millions of Texans, was waiting to hear that the Texan legislators would work hard and introduce pro-gun bills to extend our 2nd Amendment rights wherever we are.

I am certain that you are aware that the very often an active shooter would go on shooting spree killing innocent disarmed citizens in so called Gun-Free zones.

Why in the world we would allow such incidents to happen? Gun Laws would only disarm law-abiding citizen and said laws are only to ignored by those who are committed to do mass murder.

Such gun-free zones are only the easy killing fields. Letting citizen disarmed would only make them easier to kill.

Please I would like to express my dissatisfaction with new pro-gun being introduced in the special session.

Best regards,
Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst already asked for campus carry to be added to the special session. Governor Perry is the one who apparently decided not to add it.
by Bladed
Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:03 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Special Session -- 2013
Replies: 106
Views: 55352

Re: Special Session -- 2013

2firfun50 wrote:
Bladed wrote:
2firfun50 wrote:I just got off the phone with the Governor's office. The lady I spoke with has no knowledge of where the NRA got this information. She was also unaware of any statements Perry has made indicating that gun bills would not be added to the special session. I think I'll wait for something offical before getting too worked up.
It's a pretty safe bet that NRA/TSRA know what they're talking about. They're not getting their information from press releases or official announcements; they're talking to people on the inside.
Thats why I kept my focus on the "sign" bill, now SB16. That one could be passed and sent to the governor in a few hrs. Campus Carry is going nowhere without trickery in the Senate to get around the 2/3 rule. It might not be a good idea to run over democrats from large areas with colleges. That could really come back to bite. So it is a waste of time and money this session. Open Carry died a quick and early death. Another waste of money.

SB16 (old HB508) was the only gun bill that was going to pass normally until the non germain amendments were presented. A clean bill should pass both houses quickly. This bill will have the most benefit for more CHL holders with little political risk.

Just my thoughts.
I agree that Perry could add this bill without incurring much negative publicity and get it passed in relatively short order.
by Bladed
Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:57 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Special Session -- 2013
Replies: 106
Views: 55352

Re: Special Session -- 2013

2firfun50 wrote:I just got off the phone with the Governor's office. The lady I spoke with has no knowledge of where the NRA got this information. She was also unaware of any statements Perry has made indicating that gun bills would not be added to the special session. I think I'll wait for something offical before getting too worked up.
It's a pretty safe bet that NRA/TSRA know what they're talking about. They're not getting their information from press releases or official announcements; they're talking to people on the inside.
by Bladed
Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:58 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Special Session -- 2013
Replies: 106
Views: 55352

Re: Special Session -- 2013

AEA wrote:House: ... housefiled" onclick=";return false;

Senate: ... enatefiled" onclick=";return false;

Campus Carry filed in both the House and Senate.
It is the only main one, although there are a couple of others also filed that are less important.

I didn't notice anything that would reverse Statewide Carry for Legislative Members! :banghead:
But I would hope that Gov. Perry would Veto it if necessary.
Yes, campus carry bills have been filed in both the House and the Senate, but the bills won't be eligible for a floor vote until/unless Governor Perry adds campus carry to the special session agenda.

Statewide carry for legislators didn't pass. Unfortunately, that means that the good parts of HB 508 (to which the statewide-carry-for-legislators amendment was added) also died.
by Bladed
Thu May 30, 2013 7:06 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Special Session -- 2013
Replies: 106
Views: 55352

Re: Special Session -- 2013

RHenriksen wrote:
CWOOD wrote:My personal opinion, without any "special" information, is that the Governor will probably want to get the redistricting out of the way and put to bed before throwing other items into the mix.

Redistricting is going to be contentious enough with out bargaining for other items as a distraction.

THEN we can get it on.
That's my suspicion as well. Keeping the agenda uncluttered at a single item prevents horsetrading away other things and holds their feet to the fire.
I seriously doubt that will happen. If Governor Perry were to wait until redistricting passed and then add social issues (e.g., guns, abortion, etc.) to the call, those social issues would then be the only things keeping the special session going (a special session lasts 30 days OR until all called issues are resolved), at a cost of $36,000/day in taxpayer money. That could potentially land the governor in hot water with not only the liberals who oppose the agenda but also with the fiscal conservatives who oppose the public expense. If Governor Perry is going to add social issues to the agenda, he'll most likely do so while he has the cover of a necessary procedural issue like redistricting.
by Bladed
Wed May 29, 2013 12:24 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Special Session -- 2013
Replies: 106
Views: 55352

Re: Special Session -- 2013

AEA wrote:Yea, be sure to read all 239 pages! :shock: "rlol"
Get a better browser. I liked directly to the relevant page.
by Bladed
Wed May 29, 2013 12:43 am
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Special Session -- 2013
Replies: 106
Views: 55352

Re: Special Session -- 2013

2firfun50 wrote:Just checked TLO. Other bills not related to redistricting are being filed, such as HB12. What does this mean, Inquiring minds want to know. :shock:
Read the "EXPLANATORY NOTES" on this page: ... f#page=151" onclick=";return false;

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