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by RPBrown
Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:39 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Waiting and starting to get concerned
Replies: 8
Views: 1374

Re: Waiting and starting to get concerned

Whenever I have a chance to get on the forum I always try to tell the people that are waiting "Do Not Check The Site" at least until it has been 45-50 days. It will drive you nuts (personel account here).
The fact is they only change the status when they want to. In a lot of cases I've seen, the website is still showing processing, or background check or some other status, when the plastic comes in the mail.

Instead, use the spare time to find out what carry wepon/method works best for you. Carry around the house all of the time. This will get you feeling more comfortable in carrying for when you go on the infamous "Wally Walk".

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