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by RPBrown
Wed Feb 14, 2018 8:40 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Interesting Non Car Buying Experience
Replies: 51
Views: 16096

Re: Interesting Non Car Buying Experience

J Wilson wrote:My favorite saying to a car salesman
"Did you notice that I wasn't a pedestrian when I came in here"

:thumbs2: :thumbs2: :thumbs2:
by RPBrown
Mon Feb 12, 2018 10:09 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Interesting Non Car Buying Experience
Replies: 51
Views: 16096

Re: Interesting Non Car Buying Experience

We have bought 4 personal vehicles and 5 company vehicles in the last 7 years from not only the same dealership, but the same salesman. On the company vehicles, each time they tried to tell me that I had to go through Fleet Sales (which by the way was a few hundred dollars higher) and not through our regular salesman. This alone almost cost them sales. However, my wife's SUV had a light issue on one of the headlights. We bought this vehicle in September of 17 so very much still in warranty.
When we took it in, of course we had to leave it and we were prepared for that. Then the call came. Mr. Brown, I have to inform you that the issues with your lights are caused by rodent damage and would cost $266.00. Okay, not sure why or how since her car stays in the garage at home (we don't have rodents in our house I can assure you) and parked next to my truck and 2 other employee vehicles at work, none of which have any rodent damage, but still, possible on a shopping trip I suppose. He said that he would send me pictures. When I had not received pictures in a couple of hours, I called him. He said he got busy and forgot but they were on the way. Well 30 minutes later I got a couple of pictures of the wiring harness that showed no rodent damage at all. I called and asked about this and he said they had already repaired it. I said, okay, I want the parts that came off. His response was it was just a repair so there were not any parts. I said, okay, then you repaired it, charging me $266.00 without my approval???
We went and picked up the car, paid the $266.00 and left. As we headed back, I became agitated about the situation so when I got back, I emailed my salesman and let him know what happened and that they had just cost themselves a longtime customer. In about 10 minutes I received a call from him and he wanted to put me on a conference call with himself, the sales manager, and the service manager. At the end of the call, I received my money back as well as a service contract on her car for 3 years.

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