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by cb1000rider
Tue May 20, 2014 3:32 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Sign at entrance to property (not door)
Replies: 88
Views: 17375

Re: Sign at entrance to property (not door)

jimlongley wrote: Exactly what I said to the DPS spokesperson who told me that DPS considers the effort to post 30.06 to be an indication of intent, and as far as they were concerned 3/4 inch letters were close enough. I asked her if, based on that logic, 49 was close enough to 40, and she hung up on me.
I agree with DPS - the intent of the specificity is to make the sign legible and readable. Go to court and say that you could read it, but knew that the letters were under the correct size at your own risk... It could go either way.

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