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by cb1000rider
Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:32 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

baldeagle wrote: So now we're going to get excited about having the federal government set the rules for carrying? No thank you. Anyone who is foolish enough to step into the trap needs to get out of the lawsuit business.
Me personally: Not set all rules, but establish a minimum set of common rules, yes.
If you travel across states, frequently, and carry, I'm sure you feel the pain. For me to pack up and travel with firearms, it's a huge pain and requires quite a bit of due diligence. What I'd like to see is a minimum set of national standards and allow states rights to be more permissive as they see fit. There are places in Illinois that need a serious constitutional smack down.

A good analogy would be that in all 50 states, my drivers license is respected. IE: The actual licensing requirements to drive a big RV across the US differ from state to state, but as a TX resident, I can't get a ticket in Ohio for not meeting Ohio license requirements, assuming I've met the requirements in Texas.
by cb1000rider
Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:09 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
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Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

If we're talking about this link - It's hard for me to keep all that linked up on a global level.. It'd need to be too well organized across decades. Maybe I'll get there as I grow older and more paranoid (which is certainly inevitable). It reads like an Alex Jones expose...

Here's an opinion on the upside of the SCOTUS ruling and it's definitely brings us back on topic:
Did gay marriage just help nationwide concealed carry?
by cb1000rider
Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:02 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

C-dub wrote:Any bets on whether a Christian church or an Islamic mosque gets sued first for refusing to perform a same sex marriage?
You can sue anybody for anything. I'd wager strongly that such a case is a big loser. I think it's much to-do about nothing. Just like OC blood in the streets.

Why am I not worried about it? Because I can't think of a rational legal argument to support such a position.

You might be surprised that a few of us that support "equal rights" on this issue also respect the personal liberty afforded the church and clergy.. I can say that I personally would never support such a lawsuit and I don't think I'm alone.

philip964 wrote:Kosher Bacon, does that offend anyone.
Yes. Actually. As does turkey bacon. Both are highly offensive.

baldeagle wrote:The intention is to destroy marriage and then the family. After that, the state controls everything you do.
Are you talking about the SCOTUS case or just in general? If you're talking about the case, have you read the actual details?" onclick=";return false; - Not sure they're trying to destroy anything.
If you're not talking about the case, we're talking about some sort of grand conspiracy against the family to allow this state control. I'm open to that discussion, but I'd like to know who the puppet-masters are? The destruction of the family has to benefit someone, right?
by cb1000rider
Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:04 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

mojo84 wrote: Did you even take time to do the google searches I suggested and compared the two? You are the one that brought Mardi Gras up.
Sorry, can't do an internet search for that. I live near Austin: I'm aware of some of the Pride events and a few that are a bit more liberal that I avoid like the plague. I'm also familiar with a number of non-gay events that are "public" and the behavior is as nutty - or perhaps a bit more nutty...
by cb1000rider
Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:49 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

Mojo, I'm not going to get personal and be responsible for derailing an otherwise reasonably civil debate.. I was being sarcastic, good call on that. I don't just think it's gay/transgender that are misbehaving at Mardi Gras. You're right though, I have no facts or statistics to base that on. It's just my observation.

I don't think the behavior that "Gay Pride" is necessarily representative of the entire community any more than I think the OCT is representative of responsible firearms owners. Both groups attract a lot of attention.
by cb1000rider
Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:38 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

OK,it's just the homosexuals that behave badly... I guess I can work with that perspective.
How about we blame the un-married people? Does that fit better?
by cb1000rider
Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:32 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

mojo84 wrote: If heterosexual people were acting like this in public they would be arrested for indecent exposure and lewd behavior.
Mardi Gras. That's the big one that comes to mind.
by cb1000rider
Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:29 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

mojo84 wrote:Interesting turn of events. Anxious to see how this works out.
Various locations in TX are refusing also...
by cb1000rider
Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:29 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

baldeagle wrote: America seems to have done just fine before the separation of church and state crowd started insisting that every vestige of ones beliefs be expunged from the public view. Doesn't it strike you as more than a little odd that you can't pray in school but you can teach Islam and homosexuality?
The same America that banned interracial marriage? Some people say that there is/was a biblical basis for that too. I'm not ready to go back to the 1950s myself, although I do recognize that many of us think of that as the best of times.

The fact is that America can't pick and choose a religious belief system as a basis for law if it results in discrimination. SCOTUS will shut it down. Eventually. If we want to base laws based on religion, we need to setup situations that are non-descriminatory in nature. Then there is no lawsuit to file.

And then we need to select which particular religion we're going to use as a basis. The results of co-mingling religion and government will be even more disastrous. We can't even get the Christian faiths to agree on anything short of relatively basic tenants. And if we were to do that, we'd inherently need a "national" religion... When that happens, I'm getting the heck out of dodge, not because I'm non-religious, but because I know that's going to end badly.

We're a melting pot. You don't want my belief system. I don't want yours. Design a system of government that treats us all fairly...
by cb1000rider
Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:33 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

mr1337, Unless I missed it, I haven't seen a single forum member indicate that the government should be in the marriage business. Most of the above quotes are about origin of the state and perhaps how we got tangled up in this mess to begin with. IE - historical in nature.

People are offended by the government being involved, but I haven't seen anyone who wants to keep it as a function of government...

And it's really unusual that we all agree.

Unless I missed something...
by cb1000rider
Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:29 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

Jim Beaux wrote: CB why is the subject of sexual deviation so important in the social world/work place? What is the contribution? Why is it a priority to be recognized & accepted for something that should be private as one's sexual preference? I dont care and dont want to know if you have your hands full.
I don't think that it's a workplace subject at all. It shouldn't be discussed. However, the fact remains that it's relatively easy to turn up social associations without having first hand knowledge of the specifics of social deviation. The first time I ran into it in my working career was due to me asking, "what did you do this weekend"? The answer was a particular bar.. It still took a few weeks before it clicked. Answering that question was a real risk.

Jim Beaux wrote: If that is the primary value one wants to present to mainstream society, one will not be accepted by mainstream society. Being gay will not keep one from being hired. Dressing inappropriately and touting what you do in the bedroom will. Wanna a job? It's simple, act rational and be prudent.
Rhetoric doesnt equal logic. I stated my opinion very clear & that's all you get. There is nothing wrong with me or my opinion. Once again, it's simple, if you wanna be accepted by mainstream, you gotta behave mainstream.
BTW I saw what you did - Phobia also means an aversion or repulsion.
What goes on the in bedroom has no value to mainstream society. It shouldn't be introduced in the workplace. That's not what SCOTUS ruled on. We've got lots of what you'd deem to be deviation in the hetero society too - why is this particular one so offensive?

I don't think there is anything wrong with your opinion. Your opinion is just as valid as mine and I've got zero problem with it. I'm simply taking the stated basis for your opinion and arguing counter points. It's just respectful discussion, that's all. Just because we don't have the same opinion doesn't mean that we can't discuss things...

IE: I took it that part of your argument was that the phobia was perfectly natural and therefore acceptable. I just pointed out that I can use exactly the same basis to justify the behavior. Point / counter-point. Discussion. Respectful on both sides. It's certainly part of how I learn to consider things.

All I get is your opinion? So you can ask me questions, but you can't answer mine? I understand your opinion. I'm trying to understand what it's based on. I do that through questions.

Historically, "being gay" has been met with discrimination. That is, it's not necessarily the act that is discriminated against, it could be a rumor, slander, or it could be a true statement about someone that isn't being in your face with a lifestyle. From a moral perspective, I think we should treat all the undesirable moral behavior equally, but I don't think we're so good at doing that... It's hard for me to get my head around why this is treated so differently within communities that are trying to uphold moral standards.

Jim Beaux wrote: BTW I saw what you did - Phobia also means an aversion or repulsion.
You're right to call me out if I change the meaning of your words, but in this particular case, I took a dictionary definition. I actually looked it up before posting, to make sure I had it right. If you meant it another way, please explain.
"noun fear, horror, terror, thing about (informal), obsession, dislike, dread, hatred, loathing, distaste, revulsion, aversion to, repulsion, irrational fear, detestation, overwhelming anxiety about..."

I understand the fear around what the courts "might" do beyond this. And as much as I don't believe most of it, I could certainly get behind what everyone agrees is the right solution - getting the govt out of the "marriage" business...
by cb1000rider
Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:19 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

Jim, I think we're discussing marriage, not sex. Easy to confuse the two, but SCOTUS is ruling on marriage, so I'll try to stick to topics central to that.

This thread has actually been remarkably calm and well discussed!
Jim Beaux wrote: "the fact is homophobia is a natural instinct"
K... Ignoring the fact that such a statement has some cultural parallels across the decades, we'll take that at face value.. And apparently there have been studies on it - largely if it's a social reaction or if it's a legitimate evolutionary response. Basically, I agree that it's a legit idea. You're arguing that homophobia is perfectly natural.. If that's so wouldn't anything else that exists in nature be "natural" too?

I don't know that being "natural" is a good excuse for any behavior, as we'll always have behaviors outside the median that are just as natural. If we want everyone to behave approximately the same way, only within a very narrow margin of that normal bell curve, that's probably not America. It'd make for boring politics and really meaningless debates.

Q: How do you know a homosexual when you see one? Short of a pride parade or special interest event, can you point them out? Know which co-workers? Know which forum members? Hard to be afraid of people that look like you, dress like you, but have different behavior in their own homes... Just like the OC people, it's easy to get mad at in-your-face behavior that we don't like.. I totally get that and I'm with you... I really don't think that's the majority. I don't know how you can be afraid of something you come across every day, but probably don't know about.
Jim Beaux wrote: Extending marriage rights to gays not only gives them advantages over the average straight citizen..
I can't come up with an example. What are you thinking about? What bought about this whole issue was a legitimate difference in rights and privileged not afforded to a "class" of people. If those disadvantages didn't exist, I for one could completely ignore calls to change anything and would have zero compassion for an equality issue. The morality issue is stone cold, but we don't exactly class people by their level of personal morality unless that morality hits "criminal". If we did, we'd have to discriminate against all the gluttons, drunks, adulterers, liars, and general backyard BBQ type sinners.

You've already stated that the normal reaction is fear/anxiety (phobia) from normal people. Being the target of that phobia is inherently a huge social disadvantage. It's a disadvantage when getting hired, it's a disadvantage when walking down the street, and it's a disadvantage when you meet a bunch of perfectly natural homophobic strangers in a dark alley. Given a proclivity either way, which lifestyle would be easier? Don't just consider today, consider the last 60 years or so... I've got a hard time thinking about it as an advantage.

PS. Anyone who wants plural marriage can have it... Me, I've got my hands full already.
by cb1000rider
Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:45 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

You guys that are against this: Do you actually believe that the state or federal government has anything to do with what your marriage actually is or isn't? That is, does the state or federal government actually provide any moral basis for what your marriage is?

To me, what the state governs and what the church allows are completely separate issues. The state is largely regulating taxation, survivorship, spousal benefits. To the state, you can get married and divorced as often as you want. Is this really the "marriage" that you're so intent on protecting? To me, it doesn't sound anything at all like religious marriage... And religious marriage is still completely restricted by denominational faith. They should just call it something else and be done with it.
by cb1000rider
Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:27 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

I agree with most of your line items, although I don't think that transgender olympic athletes or unwed mothers with 4-6 fathers is common place, but clearly it does happen.
I do disagree: I don't think that granting legal status to a lifestyle that was going on anyway isn't really contributing to the downfall of society. It's not legitimizing what religious organizations have to say on the subject. It's just granting equal protection.. And perhaps equal hassle (in the case of divorce).

I can tell you that gay marriage impacts my life and my marriage about 0.00%. I choose who I associate with. Certain segments of society will always have habits that I don't agree with. I don't think that cleaning them all up and making them live the way that I do is necessarily the right way. To think that way - it's the way of groups like the Taliban. We're in a country that allows different people and different lifestyles. And even though I don't agree with all of them, I'm very thankful for where I live.
by cb1000rider
Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:38 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS
Replies: 160
Views: 22057

Re: to you know where in a handbasket thnx SCOTUS

Beiruty wrote:How about when more of the population turn gay and the rate of kids per family is less than 1. Surely enough we would be like Canada, that means 10,000,000 new immigrants per year. I just hope they do arrive the legal way.

So I assume you're indicating that gay marriage might make more people turn gay and accelerate the decay. I don't follow the logic, but I can accept premise. What you're indicating is already happening minus the "more gays" part - the average number of children per household in the US is below sustainable a sustainable number. Personally, I think it's more about economics than anything else. It just costs too much to have and raise children and it's only getting more expensive. You really need 2 incomes these days and it's hard to raise kids with two working parents.

PS: Gay women can reproduce thanks to science. Gay men require a little more assistance and it's legally more complicated.

We already have an immigrant problem - we have for decades. I'm unsure of what this has to do with gay marriage - it's more about the economic factors. By economic factors, I mean those that make it beneficial to risk life to come to the US.. And the economic factors which support political campaigns. Ever notice we really haven't had any legislation enforced that goes after businesses that hire illegals? In Texas, it'd be an enforcement extravaganza, but we all just look the other way... That labor is big business and big profit. You and I get something out of it: Relatively inexpensive housing among other things... We all support it indirectly.

Beiruty, I might be feeling a little more gay now.. So maybe there is something to your theory.

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