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by Shep
Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:37 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: May Applications
Replies: 163
Views: 31413

Re: May Applications

Hello all!

First time poster here just thought I would give a quick update on my status, I took the class back in late Dec because the instructor was giving a group discount type thing (which was really nice of them) but didn't get around to sending off my stuff until May. I did the online app on 5/17 and did fingerprints and sent out my packet with checklist and everything just a few days later. I don't remember the exact date but ill say 5/21 at the latest. Now just today 6/14 it's in the manufacturing pending stage!! :hurry: I guess may applicants seem to be going by a little quicker than previous months I've read about.

On the downhill slope! By the way anyone else have their TDL # memorized by now? Haha :smilelol5:

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