10 in Mumbai? Stunning.
Does anyone have any comments about running with the herd? Like in Africa, they run in herds to escape the lions. In this case it seems to have drawn more attention to them, especially when they got cornered on the parking deck.
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- Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:48 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?
- Replies: 158
- Views: 33815
- Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:07 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?
- Replies: 158
- Views: 33815
Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?
It could be!
- Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:55 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?
- Replies: 158
- Views: 33815
Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?
I watched the mall attack again. I'm stunned, I thought there was more than just 4 gunmen! It seems that I remembered them saying there were many more than that. Incredible.
One thing that I learned from this is the herding effect, everyone running and grouping together. I'm sure it's a natural instinct. Your thoughts?
One thing that I learned from this is the herding effect, everyone running and grouping together. I'm sure it's a natural instinct. Your thoughts?
- Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:43 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?
- Replies: 158
- Views: 33815
Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?
ScottDLS wrote:With the world political situation as it is and our porous southern border, I'm becoming more concerned about a potential attack by ISIS in a high profile Texas location. What about a machine gun attack in a crowded mall? Grapevine Mills comes to mind as it is theoretically a GFZ. Or an AMC theater?
What if a crew of determined jihadis decide to take a Mills Mall hostage w/ full-auto "Fast and Furious" AK's that they picked up in Mexico, on the way to Texas? I'm afraid that my carry piece (Walther PPK/s) isn't going to cut it. I'm thinking it may not even be enough to fight my way back to my car where I sometimes have my AR-15.
Does anyone (other than OCTC) carry a rifle or other long gun regularly (maybe concealed)? I can almost get my Ruger AC-556F Full-Auto folder into a backpack. It would be a SBR if it wasn't also select fire. For now I leave it in my bug out bag. I'm afraid they search backpacks at AMC (mostly for outside food, but I doubt an AR would go over well).
I think you ask a very legitimate question. I've been wondering this myself! They are encouraging lone wolf type attacks, but we've already seen what they are like in the mall attack in Africa. It's safe to say they will kill anyone that moves. My goal would be to escape through the nearest exit or hide the best way possible.
I've got to stop procrastinating and sew in two slots on my holster for my magazines!