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by crice8
Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:51 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Date night gone wrong
Replies: 113
Views: 19721

Re: Date night gone wrong

VMI77 wrote:To me, ANY bumper sticker would be a warning sign, no matter what it said. When I see a liberal bumper sticker I know I'm dealing with a lost cause. A second warning sign, perhaps even more serious, is the "Maryland connection." OTOH, in my experience, IT people tend to lean towards libertarianism....I don't think there are any people in our IT department that don't have guns. But to echo TexasGal, I've lately seen a lot of very attractive young women at gun ranges, and just about all of them were excellent shots.
Hmmm that is quite the opposite of everyone I know in East Texas, most here are very pro gun. I attend a University here where I'm about to graduate with a Bachleors in Computer Information Systems and many of the students in the class are very pro gun although several are too lazy or too broke to get their CHL like I did when I turned 21 last year. Also I work at a corporate IT department for a pretty big company here and know over half of my specific department of 20 or so people have their CHL's.

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