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by bmwrdr
Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:48 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Got my P938 back..
Replies: 11
Views: 2776

Re: Got my P938 back..

Canon1d4 wrote:I have only fired 50 rounds since I got it back, but I plan to shoot more tomorrow. I do find that the safety is MUCH harder to flick on and off than it was before I sent it in. I ask the shop guy about it and he also found it to be real stiff. I will give it some time but I am really not happy with this purchase yet. I have always heard that Sig was a premium weapon and so far I'm not finding that. I hope that I'm wrong, which I will freely admit when I get it to work as it should.

I have the P938 SAS and the safety lever was a bit tough in the beginning too. I'd say every bit of it got smoother after a few hundred rounds. I applied Flitz to the slide which helped a bit as well. The only thing I hate about it is reassembly of the recoil spring and guide rod. One would think SIG could come up with something better on that end :oops:
by bmwrdr
Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:54 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Got my P938 back..
Replies: 11
Views: 2776

Re: Got my P938 back..

Canon1d4 wrote:I just got my 938 back from Sig, as you may recall it was brand new and the hammer followed. Sig said that they replaced the hammer, sear, and the main spring housing. They also said they test fired it with no malfunctions. I won't be able to go to the range until Tuesday to give it my own try out. I just hope that it will function like it should. I guess the turn around time wasn't too bad, 11 days including a weekend. I am disappointed in the fact that the mag they sent back is not the one I sent with it, this one is stainless and mine was black to match the pistol. I didn't realize it when I picked it up, I was in a hurry, but I will let the shop know about it.
I'll let you know hoe it rubs after Tuesday, wish me luck.
Good luck. My P938 needed a few hundred rounds to work smooth. I also had to get used to it, it is small and recoil management is just different in comparison to a heavier gun. The carry weight and size is outstanding.

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