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by TrackinPat
Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:08 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally
Replies: 143
Views: 25423

Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally

texanjoker wrote:
TrackinPat wrote:
texanjoker wrote: ... hellephant

Some more media coverage of this "event"
The guy who wrote that blog is absolutely... well.. I can't go there.. but wow, way to post the "facts"... Scrolling through the comments on that made me sick.

:iagree: It was interesting reading a "view" from another side.
I understand, I have SiriusXM and occasionally flip it to the liberal talk and listen to Ed Schultz babble a bit to just HEAR the other side, but by about 10 minutes in I am so sick to my stomach I have to turn it back. Can't say you have an WELL informed opinion unless you listen to all sides... no matter how uneducated, and disastrous they are..
by TrackinPat
Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:17 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally
Replies: 143
Views: 25423

Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally

texanjoker wrote: ... hellephant

Some more media coverage of this "event"
The guy who wrote that blog is absolutely... well.. I can't go there.. but wow, way to post the "facts"... Scrolling through the comments on that made me sick.
by TrackinPat
Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:09 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally
Replies: 143
Views: 25423

Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:
anygunanywhere wrote:
o b juan wrote:how many licenses do the have in each staet and fed licenses..

Feds Pilots, Boat capts, Law practise before supreme court.. etc etc

Texas and other states,
Plumber, electrician, Air Condition, Architect, Nurse, Doctor, chiropractor, (Tatoo artist ??)
Bar owner, Meat market, fuel sales, and on and on there is a reason for all of them..

so why not for carrying a concealed gun..??

There should be a course or test just like for all the above FOR OPEN CARRY
I don't recall anywhere it being a right to be a plumber or pilot, nurse or doctor.

by TrackinPat
Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:44 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally
Replies: 143
Views: 25423

Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally

philip964 wrote:Some of my posts are dead on arrival and others go crazy, hard to tell in advance.

I didn't really express my opinion in the first post, well I sort of did but not really.

So here is my two cents.

I'm not a fan of open carry. It scares people and they vote. I like CHL because essentially everyone can have a gun on them and the BG's don't know who.

That said I would like it if CHL's could carry what I will call "Canadian Mounty holster" where the gun is completely concealed by a leather flap with a snap. That would certainly make concealed carry easier, and it is not as scary. With small guns some might think it was a cell phone carrier.

These guys wanted to be arrested, and not being civil and polite to the police is counterproductive and bone headed wrong. Especially if they are doing what you want.

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:
Amen! I do wish I had the right to carry like Wyatt Earp or any of them in the leather snap holster, that being said I am not sure that I WOULD, but being able to would be nice. I would certainly carry OWB more though.
by TrackinPat
Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:05 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally
Replies: 143
Views: 25423

Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally

Never thought about it like that! Maybe we as a gun group should police our own a little... not saying we should say, "no you can't be apart of this because you don't have a CHL" but maybe we should make sure we keep our people some what in line so they don't ruin it for the rest of us. Don't want Billy Bob who has 3 DUI's and a aggravated assault on his record (all recently) going out to be a spokesperson for gun rights. :tiphat:
by TrackinPat
Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:14 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally
Replies: 143
Views: 25423

Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally

texanjoker wrote:
TrackinPat wrote:
talltex wrote:
texanjoker wrote:
bayouhazard wrote:
SherwoodForest wrote:Reality check. Those folks at the Capitol were engaged in a peaceful, and lawful assembly, and were violating NO TEXAS LAW.

Comparing trespassing to a bank robbery :smilelol5: ? In most cases a person trespassing is afforded the opportunity to leave as was this case vs tying up resources making a misdemeanor arrest. There is no agenda in that other then to keep from wasting time on a petty misdemeanor arrest.
:headscratch where did the trespassing comment come from?
In the top paragraph of the article it mentions they were arrested for criminal trespassing.

Thank you.

Yes sir! :patriot: :txflag:
by TrackinPat
Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:52 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally
Replies: 143
Views: 25423

Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally

talltex wrote:
texanjoker wrote:
bayouhazard wrote:
SherwoodForest wrote:Reality check. Those folks at the Capitol were engaged in a peaceful, and lawful assembly, and were violating NO TEXAS LAW.

Comparing trespassing to a bank robbery :smilelol5: ? In most cases a person trespassing is afforded the opportunity to leave as was this case vs tying up resources making a misdemeanor arrest. There is no agenda in that other then to keep from wasting time on a petty misdemeanor arrest.
:headscratch where did the trespassing comment come from?
In the top paragraph of the article it mentions they were arrested for criminal trespassing.
by TrackinPat
Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:41 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally
Replies: 143
Views: 25423

Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally

jmra wrote:One day these fools are going to get us all backed into a corner that we are going to be forced to fight our way out of.
I'm all for the right to open carry, but yes you are right, these idiots that go out and jump around and say, "LOOK I HAVE A GUN AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!" make us look like the gun-crazed people that anti-gun people think we are. The two arrested were arrested for trespassing... SERIOUSLY?... You couldn't just protest 400 feet down? These guys are really pressing the issue wrong.. nothing wrong with peaceful demonstrations, but damn don't mess it up in the process. :rules: :nono: :banghead:

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