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- Sat May 15, 2010 8:50 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 session
- Replies: 127
- Views: 22535
Re: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 sessi
My opinion is as follows: OC does need to stay on the political agenda, who knows it may even get passed w/o the support of the TSRA (Snowballs have a better chance in ...). But as long as it stays on the agenda the TSRA can see which politicians support and appose it as well as allowing them to gauge the public support for such legislation. As I said earlier if you want to see the TSRA support OC then join them and make your position known. Additionally, The governor of Oklahoma Vetoed their OC legislation, although an effort to override the veto is under way.
- Thu May 13, 2010 9:40 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 session
- Replies: 127
- Views: 22535
Re: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 sessi
I have tried to avoid this topic but I feel a need to chime in. Open Carry is a right that we need to get restored, no one in their right mind will argue against it if they support the right to keep and bear arms. The biggest argument I am seeing right now is about how, when, and who. The TSRA, as I understand it, has two problems pushing for open carry:
1: Limited political capital.
2: lack of interest in the membership.
Addressing the first issue: If you only have a dollar you can only buy one dollar's worth of stuff so its usually not wise to buy a lottery ticket so you can try to win enough money to buy two hundred dollars worth of stuff. The same applies to political capital, There is legislation that the TSRA can work to get passed that will further our rights, so why should they waste political capital on something they can't afford at this time?
Regarding the Second issue: If your membership has a lack of interest in something then you probably shouldn't touch it or they will remove you and/or leave your organization.
The solution to both problems is the same: if you really want to see the TSRA push for open carry then join up and get everyone you know who shares your opinion to do so. Once your a member you can let them know what you want, how you want it, and most importantly why you want it. The more membership an organization has, the more political capital it has that it can use on its goals. I assure you that a group with ten members has less political capital than a group with ten thousand members.
If you want open carry passed and don't particularly care if TSRA is involved then start a group to push for it. But please do so in a polite, honest, and forward thinking manner. Remember that we want to gain rights, not loose or trade ones we already have.
1: Limited political capital.
2: lack of interest in the membership.
Addressing the first issue: If you only have a dollar you can only buy one dollar's worth of stuff so its usually not wise to buy a lottery ticket so you can try to win enough money to buy two hundred dollars worth of stuff. The same applies to political capital, There is legislation that the TSRA can work to get passed that will further our rights, so why should they waste political capital on something they can't afford at this time?
Regarding the Second issue: If your membership has a lack of interest in something then you probably shouldn't touch it or they will remove you and/or leave your organization.
The solution to both problems is the same: if you really want to see the TSRA push for open carry then join up and get everyone you know who shares your opinion to do so. Once your a member you can let them know what you want, how you want it, and most importantly why you want it. The more membership an organization has, the more political capital it has that it can use on its goals. I assure you that a group with ten members has less political capital than a group with ten thousand members.
If you want open carry passed and don't particularly care if TSRA is involved then start a group to push for it. But please do so in a polite, honest, and forward thinking manner. Remember that we want to gain rights, not loose or trade ones we already have.