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by G.A. Heath
Wed Aug 29, 2018 4:41 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Thoughts on open carry
Replies: 48
Views: 14637

Re: Thoughts on open carry

bblhd672 wrote: Wed Aug 29, 2018 4:03 pm Are there documented incidents in Houston where open carrying citizens have been targeted by bad guys during robbery? Or is multiple bad guys robbing a business the new M.O. there?

Everyone's situation is different. If its the criminals in Houston have gotten better at recognizing that citizens may be carrying and are looking for open carrying victims then its a tactically sound decision to conceal carry in Houston.
Charles is referencing the common tactic of hijacking, or take-over robberies, where multiple armed suspects are involved going from person to person demanding money and valuables (including cell phones). If they do not notice when one of their victims is open carrying a firearm then it's because Ray Charles can see better than they can. In this situation they will disarm the victim or simply shoot them before taking what they want off the victim (or the body). With concealed carry the weapon is less likely to be discovered unless the suspects are frisking victims or the armed citizen is doing a bad job of concealing.

There is at least one documented instance in another state before TSRA passed open carry where a hijack/takeover crew scout went into a restaurant noticed armed customers and reported back to the crew. Rather than risk an encounter with armed victims the crew waited for the armed citizens to leave. While they were waiting a LEO spotted them and arrested them in the course of investigating their 'suspicious activity' which led to learning why they were waiting. Had the LEO not arrived, or had the LEO not been as aware of the situation as he was Open Carry would not have prevented the crime, it would have simply delayed it. Had the criminals not sent a scout in to check the place out before hand who knows what would have happened.

However there has also been at least one case, in Oregon IIRC, where a man was open carrying and robbed of his weapon at gunpoint. Many people feel that open carry is like a cross made of garlic to a vampire and simply keeps it safely away. This leads to complacency and a loss of situational awareness either of which can lead to the loss of a firearm and/or the loss of life.

I will open carry when I am in an environment that is conducive to it and that I feel comfortable doing so in. This would be when I am hunting, going to a gun store (mostly so they don't ask me if I have an LTC when I say I am going to buy something), and so on. However 99% of the time I am concealed carrying since prefer to simply blend in and avoid attention from unknown parties with unknown intentions.

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