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by anygunanywhere
Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:54 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Need Help: The Parents Found Out...
Replies: 38
Views: 6185

Re: Need Help: The Parents Found Out...

Different cultures approach things in a different light than we Texicans do.

My Dad married a Chinese woman. My Dad and I had a difference of opinion once and she obviously did not like the way I did not back down. He was wrong in his accusation and I let him know.My Dad and I were (he is deceased) very much alike and when we disagreed we did so with much vigor.

She thought I should have been much more submissive out of respect because he was my Dad and we should respect parents......the Asian way.

I told her she should mind her own business. Dad and I hashed it out and it wound up being no big deal because he eventually realized I was right. Mrs. Anygun had a little to do with convincing him too. She is much more diplomatic than I am.

Don can take whatever advice he thinks will help, but eventually IMHO his culture will dictate what he must do. His paerents need to understand that his opinion carries as much weight as his does.

Good luck, Don.


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