mr.72 wrote: Bringing this back on topic, I think in 16 pages of discussion here it has become clear to me that some gun owners have some legitimate reasons for not supporting the NRA completely. Many of the people who are strong supporters of the NRA seem to be unwilling to address the concerns of these people. Instead they intend to convince these people to kind of hold their noses and support the NRA anyway since the NRA is the only chance we could have at defending our 2A rights.
I beg to differ with you, Mr.72. Those of us that are "strong supporters" of the NRA just might be happy with the way things are.
Why should I vote to change the NRA to suit someone else?
As has been stated here, no organization will be 100% to everyone. If the NRA changes to suit someone else then I might not like it.
As I read these posts it appears that the ones most opposed to the NRA are harboring hurt feelings and allowing their ideologies to get in the way of their joining. Fine. That IS their choice.
They can stand by their ideology when the knock at the door comes.
Their choice, their freedom to do so.
If you have not noticed, over the years the only group to compromise has been us. It needs to be our CHOICE to now, this day and time, to draw a line and tell the antis that we will not tolerate any more infringements. Period. I think that that is worth someone "holding their nose".
If that ideology can not convince people to join up, then that is their decision. If the Libertarians have such a problem with the NRA then let them AND their party focus their time and money on the RKBA as effectively as the NRA and prove their worth to the cause.
The NRA is not going to change unless we vote to do so. Convince me that I need to.