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by anygunanywhere
Fri Jul 15, 2005 7:15 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open carry at home?
Replies: 31
Views: 8240

Opinions are know

You say tomahto, I say tumater.

Healthy discussions.

Long long ago in a galaxy far far away...wait. This is not a movie. In the past, when the wife and I were young and in our prime, the thought of packing heat was not a priority. Seems as if time and living in the PR of Kalifornia changes attitudes. We both pack, one of our sons (2) packs. Just the fact we now carry is an increased mesure of security. Your concerns about retention are valid. Thanks for the interaction.

by anygunanywhere
Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:04 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open carry at home?
Replies: 31
Views: 8240


You are making my point. My home is not impenetrable. My firearms not in use are in a safe. However, I have other valuables in my home in the open (art, other stuff). If some big bad man wants to try and tote the safe away, have at it. Same for the other stuff. It is insured replacement cost. I too clean my firearms in the garage. I have my handgun on my hip when I fetch my paper in the morning or put the trash out. When the illegal solicitor rings my doorbell and interrupts my supper, the conversation is much shorter when I tell them to leave because they are trespassing as they eye the Kimber in condition one. I do not hide my ability to defend myself.

Your statement that the "friend of a friend" or some other aquaintance is often the burglar is correct. There are shady characters on both sides of the family, more so on the wife's side. They do know, and understand, what will happen if they cross the line. I believe that those who are not up front, open, and clear about where they stand on self defense and protection of property and life are the ones who are more likely to be deprived of their life and property.
by anygunanywhere
Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:40 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open carry at home?
Replies: 31
Views: 8240


Some of the illogical reasoning heard/read regarding firearms and other issues:

"Fannypacks scream guns!"
I have used them when traveling - never had a gun in it. If this was true, then everyone wearing a Hawiian shirt would have a gun.

"Never carry a gun in a purse."
Purse is aceptable way to pack. At least the woman is packing.

"I do not have any NRA stickers on my truck/car/home."
I have NRA stickers on my truck, garage walls, etc. I have stickers on all my doors telling intruders we are armed. Come on in and let's dance. You had better find easier pickings!

"Open carry is dangerous. You are giving away the element of surprise."
Yes, open carry is dangerous. For the bad guys.

"I do not want anyone to know I have guns."
I do. So what if they know. Two things happen. Either they avoid me because I am armed, which is fine, or they warm up to me because I am armed, which is fine too.

We firearms owners are treated like the plague. We are the oddity. Strange. Are there not hundreds of millions of firearms in the USA? The few hundred thousand or so CHL do not own the hundreds of millions of firearms. Why be shy and hide what you do?

I am who I am. I am the same person with or without a firearm. I have the same convictions, beliefs, likes, dislikes with or without my firearms. Either you like me or you don't. Either you agree with my lifestyle or you don't. If the bad guys know you are armed, they will, more than likely, seek out someone else. If you are in a neighborhood where you are concerned about others knowing you are armed, move. Or, change your attitude. Be proud of who you are, arm yourself, be confident, and let the world know you will not be a victim. Install a monitored alarm. Involve your good neighbors and form a neighborhood watch,. Arm your wif eand children.

Your life is in your hands.
by anygunanywhere
Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:45 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open carry at home?
Replies: 31
Views: 8240

Re: Not worried

Lumberjack98 wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:Now all I need is a dog.
We have an attack cocker spaniel named Chester!!!
We had a cocker male when the boys were small. Meanest little ball of fur you ever saw. I would hate to tangle with Chester.
by anygunanywhere
Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:43 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open carry at home?
Replies: 31
Views: 8240

Re: Not worried

stevie_d_64 wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:Now all I need is a dog.
Ahhhh, thats too cute...Go to the SPCA over near Washington St. and take a gander at the supply...I think they can hook you up with a good fit there... :wink:
I used to have a male weimaraner (95 lbs) to watch the house. Had to put him down in 2004. Broke our heart. The wife and I are not ready for another dog just yet. Actually the next canine companions will be two weims, both rescue dogs. The breed does better when they have a friend to wrassle with. Best watch dogs around. Smartest too.
by anygunanywhere
Tue Jul 12, 2005 7:34 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open carry at home?
Replies: 31
Views: 8240

Not worried

Guns not on hip locked up in very large safe. Monitored alarm system almost always armed, especially when wife at home alone. She keeps deadbolts locked. and pistol on.

League City's finest are very responsive to alarms. I feel very comfortable and secure. Accidentally set off silent dureass alarm one day and they were there, weapons drawn, ready to rock in minutes. The meat eaters were hungry!

Now all I need is a dog.
by anygunanywhere
Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:54 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open carry at home?
Replies: 31
Views: 8240

Open Carry

I open carry at home all of the time. My Neighbors have seen me. They really do not care. If more folks open carried the sheeple would lose a lot of their fear of handguns.

My neighbors all have kids that come over and talk to my wife and me. Their parents alll know we are armed. I also know a few of my neighbors are armed as well.

An armed society is a peaceful society.

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