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by dwsintxs
Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:38 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own
Replies: 117
Views: 29893

Re: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own

Skiprr wrote:Off-topic and not a mistake, but watched Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (Jack Reacher 2) last night and saw a bit of trivia. At about the 50-minute mark, the TSA agent with a flashlight in his hand and checking passengers' tickets is Lee Child, the author of the Jack Reacher series.

I don't know when that became a thing--the authors of books on which a movie is based having a cameo in the film--but, all in all, I think it's kinda cool. I remember some from years ago: Stephen King in Pet Semetary, John Irving in The World According to Garp, Peter Benchley in Jaws, John LeCarre in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. And, of course, I think every movie ever made about the Marvel Comics universe has Stan Lee pop up somewhere.

The Reacher movie was okay. I may watch it again and pay more attention to the gun handling. There were, however, some less than believable action scenes in it.

This is slightly off-topic, but along the lines of artists appearing in the movie adaptations of their works, but this is sort of backwards. . . .one of the great movies of the 70's, 'The French Connection' with the greatness of Gene Hackman playing the legendary real detective 'Popeye' Doyle. . . . Not many people realize this, but the fast-food fried chicken chain POPEYES, is actually named after that character in the movie.
by dwsintxs
Wed Dec 21, 2016 10:34 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own
Replies: 117
Views: 29893

Re: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own

I just found some more crazy gun mistakes. . . in this novel, Man in the Middle by Brian Haig - the protagonist is talking about silencers, and a suicide victim; "Even If the pistol, which was a Glock 17 Pro, a specialty model, and is expensive and usually has to be imported . . . had been his, it had a silencer. Silencers are hard to come by and expensive . . . and even for radical gun lovers silencers are an unusual accessory, because gun nuts live for the big boom. No, silencers are an instrument of assassins."

So, I guess that means if you own a silencer, you're an ASSASSIN!
by dwsintxs
Fri Dec 09, 2016 2:39 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own
Replies: 117
Views: 29893

Re: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own

I found another mistake in another novel.

The title of the book is: Walk into Silence and features cops here in Dallas. At one point the cop finds out that the husband of the murdered woman bought his wife a gun that she ended up being murdered with.

The cop asks the guy, "Was the gun registered to your wife? Was the serial number filed off? Did you consider that you might have bought a stolen gun?"

The guy says, "I got it at a gun show in Garland. Nobody even asked me for an ID as long as I paid in cash. Something like a hundred bucks. They just dropped it into a shopping bag and threw in a box of cartridges for free.

The cop asked "Did she have a license to carry?"

The guy says, "No, I was told she didn't need one."

The gun is described as a Jennings six shot .22.

The guy says that the man who sold it to him at the gun show did not give him a receipt.

Then the cop explains that "Texas is one of a number of states where the BRADY BILL did not apply to 'private dealers' making guns available to gun show customers with no questions asked. Sort of like a big ole garage sale."

Then the cop thinks 'it's sad that the man bought his emotionally troubled wife an unregistered handgun. . . . '

Later the detective is asked, "Any chance we can run a GSR and get this over with?"

and the investigator says, "There's no primer on the casing of a twenty-two so there's no residue to look for."
by dwsintxs
Sun Nov 06, 2016 11:06 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own
Replies: 117
Views: 29893

Re: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own

Found another good 'mistake' in a movie that I watched last night.

The movie is 'Reclaim' with John Cusack. Not a bad movie.
The movie is set in Haiti, and involves a man and his wife adopting a baby, and they pay $100k for the baby, and then find out it's a scam because John Cusak, the bad guy, has stolen the baby back and is about to leave town with all their money. So, the chase is on.

The movie has it's moments. . . BUT, at one point, the hero is tossed into the trunk of a car, along with the body of a dead sheriff and the bad guys are driving the car. . . the good guy tries his best to get out of the trunk, but he's tied up, and the car is moving. Finally,. the car stops and the guy sees the gun in an ankle holster on the dead sheriff.

He grabs the gun, and shoots the lock out of the trunk lid. . .his face is about 12 inches from the gun, which looked to me (I didnt get a good look at it) like maybe an old style walther ppk 380 or something.

But he shoots it, eyes open, a few inches from his face, and hops out of the trunk and starts running after the bad guy.

I would think that he'd have at least closed his eyes when he fired that thing off so close to his face, and I would think that his ears would be ringing for a couple hours. Oh, and also, when he fired it off. . .the muzzle flash looked about like someone using the striker on a bic lighter once without getting any flame. . . .
by dwsintxs
Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:11 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own
Replies: 117
Views: 29893

Re: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own

I plan on writing a spoof novel intentionally filled with gaffes, anachronisms, errors, etc. concerning firearms. I will send a copy to Hillary. :lol:

DON'T do that! LOL. . . she will believe every word of it as gospel!
by dwsintxs
Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:56 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own
Replies: 117
Views: 29893

Re: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own

As the O P of this subject I will now fess up to MY own screw up in MY novel. - (Boy is this embarrassing)

I have written 5 novels - 4 are out on Amazon now. . .and the 5th will be available in about 10 days.

My 4th novel, titled 'Deliver Unto Me the Innocents has a major mistake in it. . .and I definitely AM going to fix it, but here it is. . .oh, and let me add, I own 10 guns, and have a CHL, but own not ONE revolver. I'm just NOT a wheel gun guy.

In my book, there is a high school shooting, along the lines of the Columbine thing. . . and the book deals with the aftermath of the shooting, which takes place in north Texas and the shooting comes to be known as 'The Cottonwood Massacre'.

At any rate, one of the detectives in the story has a S&W model 627 revolver. I make a point in the story of explaining that it can fire 38 special and .357 mag. The problem came during my research, (as I said, I am NOT a revolver guy) when I looked at the 627 model and the 637 model. . . and in the story I mistakenly wrote that the model he had is the 637.

Interestingly enough, a detective read the book, said that he really enjoyed it and said 'at least you got all the gun stuff right. There I was feeling all proud and cocky and then a friend of mine (he is ex-army) pointed out the mistake!
by dwsintxs
Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:47 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own
Replies: 117
Views: 29893

Re: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own

I just read a few more paragraphs of this novel, and the guy 'cocked' the Glock. . . . .he didn't rack the slide, he 'cocked' it.
by dwsintxs
Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:35 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own
Replies: 117
Views: 29893

Gun 'mistakes' in Books, TV, and Movies - feel free to post your own

I recently posted this first one under another heading as ''The New 45 acp Sig revolver' and I just found another and thought it might be fun to post a few more-

Here is the 1st one. . . that I posted weeks ago, and also another one I just found. Please post your own as you find them.

# # #
Just read a novel and in the action scene, good guy hands his friend a gun to use in what they expect to be an upcoming gunfight. here is how the author described the gun.

He opened the glove compartment and removed a blue-steel revolver. "This is a Sig Sauer .45 caliber," he explained as he loaded the clip, slid the safety to off and handed it to Mason.

I thought that might be good for a chuckle.

a few pages earlier in the same novel, a woman shoots a man with a shotgun two times and it tears him in half, and as he is falling, his finger pulled on the trigger emptying the CLIP and one of the rounds hit a propane tank and blew up an entire house.

BTW - this is from a writer who has written an entire series of cop and lawyer-in-trouble books, and I would think that he'd do just a tad bit more research. . . .but hey, what do I know?

Another one by the same writer has the good guy when he 'saw the bad guy 'thumb the safety to the off position on the Glock'
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Here is the 2nd one - I just found it in a novel featuring lawyers, cops and a private investigator -

"The Glock was loaded, I'd bought a couple of boxes of ammo at a gun shop in McLean - but out of force of habit I thumbed the cylinder release latch and checked again. Jacketed hollow point ammo to increase the odds of stopping them. Then I pulled out my shirt and stuck the pistol under my belt under my shirttails and got out of the car."

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Maybe it's just because I only own 2 Glocks, (maybe I don't understand what he was referring to) but what got me was the thumbing of 'the cylinder release latch'

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If someone writes romance novels, I'm not going to care if they get the gun stuff right, but if you're writing a series of cop books, as both these writers have ( 30 -40 books total between them) them I would think they'd get it right.
TV shows and movies should get it right too, since they have big budgets and should be able to afford to hire someone to get it right.

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Feel free to post any mistakes you find.


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