NcongruNt wrote: South Austin? Your thingy to the left there says Smithville! We should go shooting!
Maybe sometime. I do live in Smithville, but I work in Austin in one of the office parks off of Mopac. Unfortunately, it's not handy for me to shoot in Austin these days because my workplace has one of those stupid "no guns on company property" rules. This includes the parking area, and in the office park there is no other place to park EXCEPT on company property.
A couple of years ago we used to be off St. Elmo. Street parking was readily available,so I routinely kept my carry gun in my car and brought guns, ammo, etc. with me if I wanted to go to Red's.
But it's not worth risking my job on even the SLIM chance that the gun could make itself known - say if my car was broken into and I had to make a police report. So for now I don't bring anything into Austin on my daily commutes.
Call your state rep and tell them to push SB534 on to the House calendar. That's the "worker's protection bill" that will put an end to these stupid rules and restore our private property rights.
Once in a while I shoot IDPA at that place in the next county over (to the west). I'll send you a PM if you think you might want to try that.
This weekend, it's the state Indoor Championships up in Amarillo.