I only have $5000 to spend, so that kinda sucks.
Dave Ramsey?!?!? I thought you lived in Tennessee.Jumping Frog wrote:Well, you say $5000 "to blow". I would think through what it would cost me to blow it.
For example, a 28 year-old could blow it on various gun purchases. Or, he could put that $5000 into a Roth IRA. Investing in a good mutual fund at say 12% return means that would be worth $465,000 at age 68.
Personally, a few guns at age 68 that I have owned for 40 years would not provide the same level of satisfaction as a well-funded retirement account.
My 2014 Roth is already filled up. Skipped to Fidelity with my check for $5500, so I'm gonna blow this next 5k on a dern gun, ok?!?