As it was relayed to me by one of the GMs, they just said that it "could take out a city block".jimlongley wrote:I am a "salty old GM" myself, and I can assure that despite being about 2200 pounds, those projectiles will not level an entire city block.
And since a minute of angle miss at 20 miles is more than 300 yards, most of the long range shooting with the 16"/50 rifles was left to the ballistic computers.
I volunteered for duty on the "Big J" when she was recommissioned in 1968, but although selected my ship would not release me, they said I was too important as an expert 5"/38 mechanic while at the same time delaying my promotion. Another GM and I spent a lot of time studying up on the Jersey in preparation for the try, and he did get posted aboard.
From Wiki plus their reference:
William H. Garzke and Robert O. Dulin, Jr. Battleships: United States Battleships 1935–1992
"For unarmored targets and shore bombardment, the 1,900 lb (862 kg) Mk. 13 HC (High-Capacity—referring to the large bursting charge) shell was available. The Mk. 13 shell would create a crater 50 feet (15 m) wide and 20 feet (6 m) deep upon impact and detonation, and could defoliate trees 400 yards (360 m) from the point of impact."
Now, one could get a bit picky about who gets credit for making that sort of long range shot. Is it the Gunnery Officer sitting in the Fire Control Tower, the crew in the plotting room, the spotter, or the actual guys loading the projectiles and powder charges into the breeches of the guns? Kind of difficult to give any one person credit when it is a crew served weapon like that. Not that this really matters with respect to bragging rights when swapping sea stories at a bar in Subic. :)