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by SlickTX
Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:01 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: My first contact (aka how I found out my CHL was approved)
Replies: 40
Views: 5186

Re: My first contact (aka how I found out my CHL was approve

KC5AV wrote:
TxA wrote:
flechero wrote:So if you fail to hand over your CHL the officer can try to find something to charge you with, and will probably ruin your day, but you can no longer have your license suspended (the only penalty that ever existed for failure to show the CHL) any longer.
So does this apply if you forgot your wallet/license while leaving the house for the convenience store or on a walk in the neighborhood? :oops:
Not really. You are still required to have them on you.
But there is no penalty if you don't.

I know, it doesn't make any sense. The requirement should either be there or not, but that is how the "big brains" at the Capitol have written it up.
by SlickTX
Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:08 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: My first contact (aka how I found out my CHL was approved)
Replies: 40
Views: 5186

Re: My first contact (aka how I found out my CHL was approve

Katygunnut wrote:
LarryH wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Most speedometers are fractionally optimistic. 65 mph on the speedo might only be 62 mph on radar. I happen to know from comparing the displayed speed on my speedo to the displayed speed on my GPS that 65 mph on the speedo is exactly that on the GPS. But that is because I have slightly oversized tires on my car compared to the original equipment tires. The OEM tires caused an optimistic speedo reading.

But the difference between me and the OP is that, even if I knew my speedo was 2 or 3 mph optimistic, I would still set the cruise control to 65 - not 67.
Our recent cars have mostly been about 3 mph optimistic. The new Civic is within 1 mph of the GPS readout. I, too, am now setting the cruise to the speed limit.
Actually, from that point on, I have consistently set the cruise at the speed limit. My daily commute is 20 miles each way, so its the difference of a few minutes each way, but is also the difference between giving them a reason to pull you over versus not giving them a reason to pull you over.

On another note, my LEO CHL instructor actually told me that their system will show a CHL alert if the car is registered to a CHL holder. He specifically said that some of his buddies who are anti-CHL make it a practice to sit by the side of the road and run tags. Then, when they see a CHL holder, they will follow until they have a reason to stop the person, hoping to fluster them into not showing their CHL. Maybe the guy was just trying to scare us into always making sure we give our CHL to the officer.

That won't really work any longer. The law now says that, though you have an obligation to turn over both your DL and CHL:

GC §411.205. REQUIREMENT TO DISPLAY LICENSE. (a) If a license
holder is carrying a handgun on or about the license holder's
person when a magistrate or a peace officer demands that the license
holder display identification, the license holder shall display both the license
holder's driver's license or identification certificate issued by the
department and the license holder's handgun license.

The penalty for not producing the CHL has been removed (this from the DPS website's analysis of the most recent changes to the CHL law):

HB 410 Failure to Display
Repeals (in part) the provisions relating to the requirement of license
holders to display the license upon demand for identification by a peace
officer (§§411.187(a),(c), and 411.205). Failure to display the license
upon demand for identification by peace officer will no longer be
grounds for suspension of license (currently 90 day suspension).
The offense itself remains, albeit without penalty. HB 2730 Article 12A

So if you fail to hand over your CHL the officer can try to find something to charge you with, and will probably ruin your day, but you can no longer have your license suspended (the only penalty that ever existed for failure to show the CHL) any longer.

I still think its a good idea to hand over the CHL, it should put the officer at ease in that he will know he is not dealing with a felon or other ne'r-do-well. The good thing is that there is no penalty if you are flustered, forgetful or for any other reason don't produce your CHL.

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