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by asbandr
Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:14 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Target respectfully requests that you shop unarmed
Replies: 101
Views: 18555

Re: Target respectfully requests that you shop unarmed

I don't see why target should be liable for something happening after their announcement. For one thing, they haven't posted 30.06 or whatever would be required from other states. Secondly, it's still a person's decision to go in unarmed. Lastly, there's no way to prove this crime would not have occurred without the announce from target.

I think to try and hold target responsible would be the same as the anti's holding guns responsible for crime. Just as it is not the guns fault that an idiot pulled the trigger, it is not targets either.

This country needs to stop focusing so much on laws to "limit" crime and focus more on stricter consequences to having committed crime. I'm tired of seeing how a criminal gets off after posting a large bail, or gets out of jail early for good behavior. When my kids are grounded they are the best little guys in the world but not long after they are ungrounded they do the same thing that landed them in there in the first place.

Our justice system works on the premise of "innocent until proven guilty" but every time these stricter gun laws are passed it turns it around. We have to prove our innocence to remain free. That's why idiots like todd locey make me so angry.
by asbandr
Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:33 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Target respectfully requests that you shop unarmed
Replies: 101
Views: 18555

Re: Target respectfully requests that you shop unarmed

I would imagine Target sending out a request for no guns would not be binding unless it's said directly to a customer in the store if theres no 30.06. Otherwise there's no way to ensure a customer heard it. Just because its a current hot topic in the gun community doesnt mean they can prove the customer got the notice. Then again raises the point that if you are properly concealed carrying, no questions necessitating that kind of notice should arise. This may not even be exactly what ya'll are referring to. If it's not just disregard my comment. I'm not the fastest cartridge in the mag. :smilelol5:
by asbandr
Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:21 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Target respectfully requests that you shop unarmed
Replies: 101
Views: 18555

Re: Target respectfully requests that you shop unarmed

It's for an unlicensed weapon and being that we're all here on this forum, I'd imagine all of us are or will soon be licensed.
by asbandr
Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:14 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Target respectfully requests that you shop unarmed
Replies: 101
Views: 18555

Re: Target respectfully requests that you shop unarmed

But does OCT accept any of the responsibility for this upset?

As far as I'm concerned, until these businesses post 30.06 I will continue to carry and shop there. As soon as any signs go up though, I will have to take a risk of ending up on people of walmart. My gun is far less dangerous on my body than locked in my car.

And as much as we want to get mad at target and Chipotle and all the others, we really have Shannon watts and her kind with the help of OCT to blame.

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