There is a considerable amount of attention focused upon college kids carrying and not being responsible enough to do so. Problem is that they're already carrying in their apartment, eating diner, picking up groceries, and going to the movies. The only thing that changes is that they are able to defend themselves where they spend the majority of time - on campus.
It wasn't too long ago that I was in school and I can't recall a kegger being held on campus. Those that are held off campus are completely legal for a CHL to carry under our law, so long as they're not intoxicated. I would assume this is happening with some degree of regularity and isn't making waves.
CHL holders have demonstrated our level of responsibility over the years - regardless of age.
smokindragon wrote:You know that is really my first thought, when I first heard about the chance of campus carry for students, Since my daughter started attending Texas Tech and I have seen many pictures of parties ( beer in photos) on her myspace from just the FIRST semester.
It should be allowed for their safety, but there is an abundance of alcohol at college dorms and such, That in my opinion would make that a very dangerous situation.