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by cyphertext
Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:21 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Is this 30.06 sign posted at Wholefoods compliant?
Replies: 108
Views: 21600

Re: Is this 30.06 sign posted at Wholefoods compliant?

C-dub wrote:
MeMelYup wrote:
C-dub wrote:
thetexan wrote:I believe that it is not compliant regardless of letter size.

Why do you think that?
I, myself would have stopped reading after the first line where it stated it was about the alcohol and beverage code.
Careful. If you would walk past that sign and were somehow discovered you could loose your CHL. I would hope that my eyes would have been drawn to a few of the familiar elements of the sign and I would have recognized it.
This is why I question the validity... If the intent of the law was to make a standard sign that is easily recognizable by those who carry, then this sign appears to not follow that intent. The idea was for the sign to stick out and not be missed by the CHL holder. I probably would have stopped reading after the first line as well, as it appears to not apply to a CHL holder.

But, it does seem to meet the wording of the law... can't have it both ways, if we hold them to the standard set by the law, then the same standard applies for us as well...
by cyphertext
Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:22 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Is this 30.06 sign posted at Wholefoods compliant?
Replies: 108
Views: 21600

Re: Is this 30.06 sign posted at Wholefoods compliant?

RPBrown wrote:FYI, this is not a 30.06 sign. It is the standard (or somewhat standard) sign that TABC requires in locations that sell alcohol for off premises consumption, package sales.
You might want to go back and look at it again.... it is not either a standard TABC package sales sign, nor a standard 30.06 sign. It is a combination of both, which I would be surprised if either were legal. Not a lawyer, but I would bet that the signs have to be on separate, stand alone signs. I wouldn't even read the whole thing, as I would have read the top couple of lines and determined that the sign did not apply to me.

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