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by tfrazier
Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:20 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1643040

49 Days (Renewal)

The answer is 49 days (for me, anyway):

Submitted renewal application and fee on line

03/27/2011 (13 days after submitting online fee)
Attended David Gilreath's CHL class for renewal training and proficiency test

03/28/2011 (1 day after completing class)
Mailed applicant paperwork to DPS

04/22/2011 (25 days after mailing paperwork)
Status on the Texas DPS CHL web utility finally changed from "Awaiting materials from applicant" to: "Background Check: Under Review"

04/27/2011 (5 days after last web status change)
Status changed to "Concealed Handgun License : Manufacturing Pending"

04/29/2011 (2 days after last web status change)
Concealed Handgun License: Mailed

05/02/2011 (3 days after last web status change)
CHL arrived today via the local mailman. It now resides next to my DL and I'm good to pack heat until August of 2016.

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