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by AEA
Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:19 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 24006

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

Herman Cain cannot win and shouldn't even been in the race spouting his tax reform spiel.

His latest is a 9% flat income tax, 9% Federal Sales Tax and 9% something else..... He calls it 9/9/9.

At least he has cut back on saying "Number 1, Number 2, Number3, Number 4" which aggravates me to no end. Can he not make a point without numbers?

I lived in Canada for 13 years where they have the GST (Federal Goods and Services Tax). Believe me, you do not want to see this in the USA.

It takes the Provincial (State) sales tax and adds ON TOP of that the GST and you are actually paying a tax on a tax on EVERYTHING you buy! CRAZY! :banghead:

EDIT: I do not know what the GST started at (%) or when, but when I left Canada in 2003 it was 13.5%! :shock:

Try filling up your tank with that. Gas price (including Fed gas tax, State gas tax, State sales tax) and on top of that Federal Sales Tax! :banghead:

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