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by AEA
Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:52 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Pulled over in OK
Replies: 9
Views: 3106

Re: Pulled over in OK

Legally (Texas Law - which is what your License is issued under).......

If you are carrying and a LEO ASKS for your ID, you are required to show BOTH your TXDL and your CHL. If you are not carrying, you are not required to show your CHL (but most of us do anyway).

There has been a change in TX law that removes the penalty for NOT showing your CHL to a LEO, but that does not go over well with TX LEO's and I would bet it would not be very welcome with OK LEO's as well. Most all of us show our CHL with the DL whether we are armed or not. Most of the LEO's appreciate it.

If the OK LEO did not ask you for ID, then why would you even open your mouth? He had no reason to even talk to you.

If, while communicating to your wife he asked her "are there any weapons in the car" then she could have replied in the affirmative and then his communication with you would be necessary.

Had it been me....I would have sit there with my mouth shut until such time that I was addressed. Then I would have done what you did and present both the DL and CHL.

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