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Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:47 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Police confiscated my weapon
Replies: 173
Views: 26477

Re: Police confiscated my weapon

Stew wrote:
mojo84 wrote:This comment implies you are in a MC that is made up of current and former law enforcement officers. Is that the case? I think some of us are curious to know if you are actually a victim of unscrupulous cops or are just playing one. Some of the things you've said tend to lead me to the latter.
My patch is a 3 piece patch along with every other law enforcement motorcycle club who wears a 3 piece parch but are not profiled as such
Read the post in detail again,

Definitely not in a LE club the gentleman made reference to a 3 piece patch and it's meaning I my clubs patch is a 3 piece like LE clubs so to wear a 3 piece patch but they are not classified or profiled as law breaking individuals.
If you don't want to mention the club by name, you could at least tell us if your club is considered a 1% MC. Do you wear a 1% patch?

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