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by Tazman
Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:47 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: January 2015
Replies: 36
Views: 9826

Re: January 2015

bthomas_tx wrote: I didn't disclose what happened because it's been over 10 years since the adjudication and my records are sealed. I had no issue getting a professional license through one of Texas' certification boards; I didn't disclose what happened on that application either. I'm not requred to disclose that info under section 58.001(j) of the Texas Family Code.
I am by no means an expert, but deferred adjudication much be disclosed in the state of Texas as it is considered the same as a "conviction". From my understanding, any arrest should be disclosed and if you were fingerprinted (regardless if the record is sealed), the prints and information will be in the FBI database regardless if it is sealed or not. "Sealed" really means sealed from general public and employers. If the Federal agencies need to see, they have ready access.

I got into trouble 30 years ago and got deferred adjudication where my records were "sealed". I had to get a security clearance for work about 20 years ago and low and behold, during my interview with the NSA, the issue came up. It didn't prevent me from getting clearance nor did it prevent me from getting my CHL in Texas recently (although I did disclose and provide disposition documents) but the Federal government did have access to that information. So I hope everything works out!

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