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by treadlightly
Sat May 09, 2015 11:42 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Charlton Heston: A Torch With No Flame
Replies: 12
Views: 2762

Re: Charlton Heston: A Torch With No Flame

Kindness and strength combined are the hallmarks of capital-T Truth. Empowerment and responsibility, and a debt owed to the future - if just once in my life I could advance freedom's throttles with a message so powerful I believe I'd call it a good life.

Bringing the truths of liberty to young minds is the only way America will survive. Guns are not graven images of violence and evil, they are icons of valor, meritorious service, bravery, philosophical integrity, and open-eyed patriotism which this country is losing.

No law abiding, freedom loving citizen should think of a gun as some kind of snake ready to strike the innocent.

Guns in law-abiding hands don't threaten, they are a guarantee of many good and worthy things, most importantly that America will never trespass insanity to the degree our citizenry is no longer the source of power in this country. Guns have the wondrous power to do so without threat or violence.

Without a shot fired or a muzzle brought to bear, guns in private ownership prove America's social contract respects the individual. Our government does not grant our civil rights or judge the measure of their benefit. Our government's job is to defend them.

If we are truly a peace loving people who abhor tyranny, we must cherish individual rights including the uninfringed right to keep and bear arms.

And Heston was right. We must instill that basic safeguard in the next generation.

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