I believe that's perfidiously untrue, but even if it were fact it would not be justification for gun control.“There is not even the slightest hint in the data that RTC laws reduce overall violent crime,” Donohue said.
Crime and justice are sides of a single coin. Justice applied en masse is not justice, it is tyranny. Justice is a matter of individuals in individual circumstances measured against law.
Crime is also not a product of society, it's a product of individuals. An individual victim with a gun has a chance to exercise his natural rights of defense.
Crime committed en masse isn't the product of criminals. That's the work of tyrants.
An armed society is a polite society. A defenseless society is a tyrannized victim society. Which is preferable?
The potential and thankfully very minimal risk of death by gunfire is far outweighed by the certain risk of life without firearms. I'll take a life that might end in an unhappy millisecond over a lifetime trapped in a liberal government's crosshairs. I don't want to die once. I surely don't want to die a thousand deaths in somebody else's idea of a very comfortable cage.
Just my opinion of course, I think shared by a few old guys who met up in Philadelphia a long time ago and wrote some words on paper. There's a lot more to the thinking than just guns, of course, but so is there much more to an arch than a mere keystone.