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by ELB
Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:14 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: That infamous 287
Replies: 25
Views: 4452

Re: That infamous 287

I can't find it right now, but I believe in Arkansas the state took away a small town's ability to write traffic tickets because they essentially constructed a speed trap to fund the town. 47 residents, 3000+ tickets per year. It was at least the second town or city in that state to be squelched by the state government for doing stuff like this.

In Ohio, the legislature withdrew the ability of towns of less than 100 to have a municipal court because of abuses of police power, and it seems this was largely aimed at the burg of New Rome, which had a stop light with a 35 mph zone right around it. The cops nailed people as they crossed into "town," which was worth $400,000 a year in fines. The stoplight was also removed by the state, and the speed limit will be raised to the same as on both sides of the village. As soon as the municipal court was shut down, the town's two police officers resigned and nobody else hired on. Local business owners had agitated for the stoplight to be removed (and the ticket writing stopped) because they said people avoided that town due to its reputation as a speed trap.

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