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by MBGuy
Thu Dec 17, 2009 9:06 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open Carry?
Replies: 87
Views: 12538

Re: Open Carry?

Purplehood wrote:
MBGuy wrote:Thank you, you proved my point.

I'd say we also restrict how we practice religion in this state, as Baptists are the majority. And let's go ahead and abolish alcohol, it just causes so many problems.

Amazing....I didn't know the whole state of Texas was "metropolitan". Wow, what I've been missing....

Oh, and by the way, I OC'd in Louisville. Not quite Houston, but "metropolitan" nevertheless. No one freaked out.
I think you misread his post. He stated the "Metropolitan areas of Texas". He didn't say that Texas is a metropolitan state.

I just didn't write it correctly. My sentiment was that we shouldn't restrict freedoms to all because of one subset of the population. My bad.

And apologies to all for coming across a bit brash, I was not having a good day yesterday. My thoughts still stand, buy I lacked tact. Sorry...
by MBGuy
Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:12 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open Carry?
Replies: 87
Views: 12538

Re: Open Carry?

Thank you, you proved my point.

I'd say we also restrict how we practice religion in this state, as Baptists are the majority. And let's go ahead and abolish alcohol, it just causes so many problems.

Amazing....I didn't know the whole state of Texas was "metropolitan". Wow, what I've been missing....

Oh, and by the way, I OC'd in Louisville. Not quite Houston, but "metropolitan" nevertheless. No one freaked out.
by MBGuy
Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:06 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open Carry?
Replies: 87
Views: 12538

Re: Open Carry?

I think it's now or never.

From what I hear from people in general (pro-gun/on the fence/anti-gun), it's not that big a deal and it's becomming customary to assume that anyone may have a gun. The general public mindset is on our side more than it's been in decades.

Also, I think what's on Charles' mind is the public's mindset of 1995, which is completely opposite of what it is currently. While it has some merit, I don't think the effect will be quite that dramatic. Even Channel 2 news is reporting CHL carriers in a neutral maner.

I have OC'd in Louisiana and Kentucky. No on pays attention. Amazing, having grown accustomed to "hiding" it, like it's something to be ashamed of, only to find out that no one even notices. It's quite refreshing to be able to tuck in your shirt when you want to look presentable, with tight Wranglers, and still have options on how to carry.

I think we need to get over these quasi fears and do it, and hopefully we''ll use McDonald vs. Chicago to do so, but I know that here I'm in the minority. After all, that's the name of the site.

And that "this is Texas, we do it our own way". Wow. Since when is it a bragging right that we have lesser rights? In Louisiana there are no silly laws against when or where you can buy alcohol, or when/where you can gamble, etc, or how you can carry your gun. But we brag about "Texas"..... :waiting: I'm proud of being a Texan, but to say that everything is fine and dandy when it isn't doesn't quite fit the bill. Come on, we should be working to gain more rights, not be afraid and argue against the justifications for doing so like WE were the anti-gunners. Having OC be legal doesn't force anyone to OC more than having alcohol be legal force anyone to drink. It's a's called Liberty.

Let's get to's now or never....and much like business' growth, if we decide that this is good enough, the pendulum begins to swing the other way, it doesn't stand still. And that WILL affect those of you that only wish to conceal carry.

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