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by Humanphibian
Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:33 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Well.... Color Me Stupid
Replies: 32
Views: 4533

Re: Well.... Color Me Stupid

wilder wrote:
Humanphibian wrote:
rm9792 wrote:I have multiple pistols (arsenal, cache, etc in lib speak) but I only carry 1911's. For example, flipping a Beretta 92 up is for fire but will lock a 1911, not good in a defensive situation.
LOL...RM9792...this point is EXACTLY why the Safariland 6004 I put on the "pay it forward" thread still has the hang tag on it. The 92 was issued, but I had carried a 1911 for years, and had the good fortune to be allowed to carry a 1911 if I so wished. Buh-Bye 92....
I don't wish to sidetrack from the excellent question posed by the OP, but the Beretta 92 safety is more easily disengaged by pressing down as demonstrated here:

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As to the original question....I do have several different handguns with different features and manual of arms. The only ones I carry are free of manual safeties and DAO. They are carried with a round chambered so I know that to bring any one of them into action all that is needed to to depress the trigger. I feel this limits any possible stress induced confusion.

now.......try that left handed..........
by Humanphibian
Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:27 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Well.... Color Me Stupid
Replies: 32
Views: 4533

Re: Well.... Color Me Stupid

rm9792 wrote:I have multiple pistols (arsenal, cache, etc in lib speak) but I only carry 1911's. For example, flipping a Beretta 92 up is for fire but will lock a 1911, not good in a defensive situation.
LOL...RM9792...this point is EXACTLY why the Safariland 6004 I put on the "pay it forward" thread still has the hang tag on it. The 92 was issued, but I had carried a 1911 for years, and had the good fortune to be allowed to carry a 1911 if I so wished. Buh-Bye 92....

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