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by Pete
Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:24 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Yet another sign that it's getting interesting...
Replies: 11
Views: 3024

Re: Yet another sign that it's getting interesting...


Let the antis think all guns are registered. Otherwise they might come up with some law requiring it.

Use thier knowledge (or ignorance) against them.

For example I was once told that assault weapons need to have strict controls over them. I explained assault weapons already do, talked a little bit about assault weapons (selective fire types) and the NFA licensing requirements.

The person said, well okay, what is all the commotion about?

I just laughed.

Dishonest, well, I do not know, maybe. When they said assualt weapons they said, "you know the miltary weapons the news says are on the streets".

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