Well, if you consider illegally disarming law-abiding citizens for no good reason, "do[ing] a good job", I would like to know what you call a "bad job". As far as making the job harder, if you can't handle the heat, get another job. And God forbid that you should stand up for your rights for fear of making the Law Enforcement Officer angry, after all, you might get a fine, ... or worse!Teamless wrote:4T5, while that is your right to do so, I also am part of the belief that says these guys, for the most part, do a great job and I do not want to make it any harder.
Especially though, I would not want to make any enemies out of him or her, to the point where maybe you get off with a warning for whatever the violation is, but now you get to pay a fine.
To a cop like that, we are all just potential criminals.
Come and take it!