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by daddySEAL
Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:52 am
Forum: 2007 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: our new "Castle Doctrine"
Replies: 37
Views: 26502

Oh course,
Every CHL holder should have it in his wallet (or purse) all the time to produce anyway, carrying or not.

thanks, seamusTX
by daddySEAL
Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:48 am
Forum: 2007 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: our new "Castle Doctrine"
Replies: 37
Views: 26502

It used to be that you could have it in your car, but not in easy reach. Or loaded when travelling across 3 county lines.

But know it seems that you can have it in your glove box loaded when going HEB, to a movie, or anywhere as long as it stays in the glove box, until and if needed to defende yourself inside your car without any carry permits, right?

I always new my home is my Castle and don't need a permit to keep a gun to protect against threating intruders.....but extending that right as your car is also your personal Castle while driving in your town, is new(without long traveling)....and just wanted a confirmation that we don't need CHLs if we aren't carrying outside the car and can keep it loaded in the glove box for our incar protection with permits, to defend again violant intrusion into the car while inside it.

That's what it means now right? Every law abiding citizen in his home town rush our traffic could be armed legally, right?
by daddySEAL
Fri Sep 07, 2007 7:05 pm
Forum: 2007 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: our new "Castle Doctrine"
Replies: 37
Views: 26502

our new "Castle Doctrine"

I've been reading the actually law, as passed and signed into the law in the Texas Penal code. But I see nowhere in it's language that clarifies this.

I presume that your since your "Castle" (meaning your residence and your car when your are in it), just as in your house you do Not require a permit to use a hadgun to defend yourself and loved ones from intruding attackers who intend to cause you serious bodily injury or theft in your dwelling, that a CHL or other permit is not required either to carry a loaded handgun in your car glove box to defence yourself and loved ones in the car from forced attackers.

It that right for public citizens that are not CHL holders, as long as you don't leave the car?


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