I could sit at the feet of GunBlue for hours and learn new things about firearms. Here is one of my favorites--wish I had watched this when I bought my first 1911---now which way do I turn that barrel bushing? :)
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- Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:07 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks
- Replies: 43
- Views: 11601
- Sun Nov 26, 2017 11:10 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks
- Replies: 43
- Views: 11601
Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks
You will cringe when you see the video linked below. GunBlue490 has a different opinion on dropping the slide on an empty chamber:treadlightly wrote:Nice thought, and I would be happy if the whole process is under my control, but the guy next to me would have something chambered that I didn't inspect. Nothing in the chamber, that's the only winner for me at the display counter. Dry fire on anything, including a snap cap, should only be done at a controlled firing line, at least in the unwashed public environment of tire kickers at a gun store.joe817 wrote:Why doesn't Academy let the people dry fire a pistol they've picked out with a Snap Cap in it? In fact, load 4 or 5 snap caps in the mag and cycle the action to chamber a snap cap round into the chamber to see if it works? I think they'd sell more guns that way(or satisfy customers). Just my opinion.
I've seen signs that say "no dry fire," and I've always assumed it was to keep the new state of the stock. There are lots of folks who would be horrified to know I dry fire more than I live fire. If a handgun shows any wear from dry firing, I don't want it. Best to shop where the staff and customer base are both knowledgeable. Rifles in general and any rimfire should not be dry fired.
Dry firing a pistol is fine. What will set my teeth on edge is dropping the slide on an empty chamber. That makes me want to buy the gun out of the hands of the abuser, nurture it, and give it a caring home.
- Sat Nov 25, 2017 4:42 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks
- Replies: 43
- Views: 11601
Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks
Taurus tends to be a "mixed bag" like Remington and some other manufacturers.
I have two Taurus firearms both well-made. One is a stainless-steel snubby Smith and Wesson knockoff I think made in the eighties. It is sturdy as a little tank. The other is a Taurus "long judge" Rifle/Revolver. Very dependable and I love the "true-glow" or whatever sights on it. Have killed several rattlesnakes with it.
I have two Taurus firearms both well-made. One is a stainless-steel snubby Smith and Wesson knockoff I think made in the eighties. It is sturdy as a little tank. The other is a Taurus "long judge" Rifle/Revolver. Very dependable and I love the "true-glow" or whatever sights on it. Have killed several rattlesnakes with it.