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by fratermus
Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:09 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: The training class idiot - tell your story
Replies: 125
Views: 22033

Snake Doctor wrote:his commentary on what "[he] would do", the instructor finally asked him what LE, military, or etc. background he had and he replied, "Well, none".
But I'm sure he had a sizeable back library of Soldier of Fortune.

It is my experience that people who are the most gung-ho generally have the least military experience.

A read a quote where a zen buddhist monk said that people have exotic ideas about what living in a monastary is like, but the people who do it know that it is just zen, nothing special. This reminds me of my experience in and out of the military. It is a thing you do, or do not do. Those that do it have a realistic view of military life; those that do not do it have a fantasy view and are dazzled by bumperstickers, ribbons, slogans, jingoism, parades, etc.

US Army 1984-1988.

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