I have seen instructors not time the shots, but it is required and is part of the course of fire.LarryH wrote:That's interesting. Our instructor didn't say anything (that I remember) about how many seconds we had after the whistle to get the shots off. He just said "one shot per whistle" or "two shots after the first whistle, then three shots after the second" or words to that effect.
The law does not mention how many you load per string, either. If you had a 50 round magazine you could load 50. However, due to the large variance in the number of rounds magazines hold, and the fact that there are many 5 shot revolvers, DPS does it 5 rounds at a time, except for the 2 shot exercise, where you load 6 shots, then 4 for the next string. They compensate for any 5 shot revolvers then. Most instructors follow suit because it makes sense.
Also, since most of the course is segmented into 5 shots, loading only 5 at a time prevents people from firing too many. ;)