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by txinvestigator
Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:13 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: So how many of you...
Replies: 66
Views: 12361

one eyed fatman wrote:
JohnKSa wrote:
So how many of you have heard the term Bar Room Lawyer?
I have.

It's a term that someone who wants to dispense unlicensed legal advice uses to attack someone who disagrees with him.

For what it's worth, I've found police officers to be spectacularly poor sources of legal information.

Geez! I started this thread to joke about myself being called a bar room lawyer thirty years ago and look what happens. Some people here must be under a lot of stress.

No, you started it to attack another member under the guise of a joke about you, but its clear to everyone your intent.

I'll let you in on a tip. When conducting investigations, we pay close attention to the details that people use to describe events. When a person changes those details it is a strong indicator of deception. That's because they are based in lies and not reality. People often have trouble keeping accurate and consistant statements when not being honest.
one eyed fatman wrote: Talking to a cop 20 years ago was a personal attack? I didn't know.

one eyed fatman wrote:Twenty years ago that cop was calling me a bar room lawyer
by txinvestigator
Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:56 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: So how many of you...
Replies: 66
Views: 12361

Kyle Brown wrote:
txinvestigator wrote:
Kyle Brown wrote:
Bones3 wrote:Charles,

One member got out of hand :totap:
You are kidding, right??? One??? Hopefully, Charles has a better count.
If you follow what happened, one member caused a thread to be locked by starting personal attacks.

That same member then started a new thrread for the sole purpose of continuing that attack. The attackee, after avoiding the thread for a while, finally responded by defending his honor.

While it takes two to tango, some people will not just sit back and allow their honor and reputation to be attacked without response.
In defense of my honor, it is obvious to me that you presumed I had not followed this and the other thread.

You are mistaken, I followed them.

It is my opinion that more than one member got out of hand.
You seem to be wrong today. :coolgleamA:
by txinvestigator
Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:14 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: So how many of you...
Replies: 66
Views: 12361

Kyle Brown wrote:
Bones3 wrote:Charles,

One member got out of hand :totap:
You are kidding, right??? One??? Hopefully, Charles has a better count.
If you follow what happened, one member caused a thread to be locked by starting personal attacks.

That same member then started a new thrread for the sole purpose of continuing that attack. The attackee, after avoiding the thread for a while, finally responded by defending his honor.

While it takes two to tango, some people will not just sit back and allow their honor and reputation to be attacked without response.
by txinvestigator
Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:05 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: So how many of you...
Replies: 66
Views: 12361

one eyed fatman wrote:To many people here are acting like sheep. Maybe Charles should just kick me of the forum so the sheep will be safe.
Yes, it is everyone else who is out of step. :roll:

Remember slick, you are free to IGNORE me.
by txinvestigator
Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:43 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: So how many of you...
Replies: 66
Views: 12361

jbirds1210 wrote:We have a place in Centerville...It is very very dry. 120 miles south and I have puddles standing in my back yard growing the little draculas as we speak! I think I am going to turn it in...

Maybe everyone should agree to disagree and try to clean up this carnage before Charles reads it? Not my argument......just trying to encourage peace :grin:
I agree; however, it is time the true character of some comes to light.
by txinvestigator
Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:38 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: So how many of you...
Replies: 66
Views: 12361

jbirds1210 wrote:Image

SOOO, lets talk about something else a bit more peaceful! How about those mosquitoes...they are going to be bad in a couple of days :grin:
Man, I wish we could pump some of that water up here. We are under severe water restrictions. :sad:
by txinvestigator
Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:26 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: So how many of you...
Replies: 66
Views: 12361

one eyed fatman wrote:I think Mr. Cotton needs to stop the Kangaroo courtroom tactics going on here. I don't think he meant for this forum to turn into a "I'll tell you the law for $14.95 forum".
This forum is entitled "General Texas CHL Discussion" Please enlighten us as to how your first post in this thread fits that.

You are right, it needs to stop. You need to stop behaving as a spoiled litle child who got his feelings hurt.

You wanna start stuff then cry to daddy? If you can't run with the big dogs, don't get off the porch.
by txinvestigator
Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:15 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: So how many of you...
Replies: 66
Views: 12361

one eyed fatman wrote:Nice pic Tx but this thread isn't about childish pics it's about taking real advice from known professionals. I learned a good lesson from that cop. But you in your own insecure little world didn't learn anything from this, did you? :roll: Mr. Cotton is a known professional. I bet he cringed when you said in another thread "The law is simple" or some such nonsense. This thread had nothing to do with you Tx. It was about a lesson a professional taught me.
I am going to address you now for the final time. It is obvious to even an idiot that you addressed this thread towards me. You caused a thread to be closed last night by your idiot ramblings and unfounded personal attacks.

I am sorry that you don't understand the adult conversations and discussions of the law that we have here. But because YOU don't get it does not mean that people who do get it and can discuss it intelligently are somehow wrong.

As far as being a professional, I am a LE veteren, a current Texas DPS CHL instructor, Current Level III Texas DPS Classroom and Firearms Instructor, a Law Enforcement Instructor, and I also hold instrutors certifications in non-related subjects. I have proven my knowledge here.

I have attended several PPO/Armed bodyguard training schools, numerous firearms training schools, and I have actually participated in many in and out of state VIP/EP assignments. I have BDTD.

I have offered my advice here, and when wrong I have admitted so.

I am not some security guard, armchair commando who has difficulty understand even the simplist precepts of the CHL and Self-defense laws.

Again I ask, what are YOUR qualifications and experience?

If you would like to discuss actual law and issues fine, if you can't do that without challenging people and resorting to personal attacks I suggest you remain quiet.

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