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by Mike S
Mon May 24, 2021 12:39 pm
Forum: General Legislative Discussions
Topic: HB 1927 (Unlicensed Carry) Signs
Replies: 10
Views: 18001

Re: HB 1927 (Unlicensed Carry) Signs

Under TPC 46.03 you said:
Where can it be posted:
On a property in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public - applies to the whole property, not just a premises (building or portion of a building)
Are you sure that the prohibition applies to the "entire property" for all listed locations? Unless the definition of Premises has changed, or the wording of this statute specifies something along the lines of 'for the purpose of this statute, 'premises' means the entire property', I would think the 'entire property' only applies to "grounds where a school sponsored activity is taking place", and that the sidewalk/walkway, parking lot/parking garages, etc under the MPA would still be allowed (unless said parking lot/sidewalk is within 1,000' of the place of execution, on a scheduled execution day...)

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