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by Mike S
Sun Oct 29, 2023 10:09 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: George Floyd who died from drug overdose was from Texas
Replies: 249
Views: 115152

Re: George Floyd who died from drug overdose was from Texas

Grayling813 wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 1:30 pm
philip964 wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:12 am The last of George Floyd’s killers sentenced to jail.
They arrested and tried Floyd's drug dealer? Floyd committed suicide by self drugging.
Well dang, I missed the "?" in your post at first glance and thought you were making a statement of fact vs a rhetorical question.
I misunderstood & thought that the guy inside the SUV with Floyd that day, the one who was pending drug charges or something in relation to Floyd's death, that Chauvin's defense team wanted to call as a witness, had finally been held accountable.

The prosecutor objected to the defense calling the guy as a witness, as it would be prejudicial with the jury to hear him "Plead the Fifth Amendment" in response to any question of substance relating to Floyd's death since he was either pending charges, or had already been charged. The judge said if the defense could articulate any line of questioning that would be relevant and not elicit a "Pleading of the Fifth" in front of the jury that he would consider it. However, even asking if "Were you there that day?" would lower the prosecutions burden if he went to trial, it was decided the defense couldn't call him as a witness.

That stood out for me as the prosecutor's office timing the sequencing of the trials in a manner to exclude a key witness that would present reasonable doubt regarding the proximate cause death. Watching the full trial, especially the deliberations where the jury had been excused, further eroded confidence of a fair trial. As unpalatable as it would be, I would have preferred the prosecutor exercise discretion and grant immunity for any TRUTHFUL statements that guy made under oath. Or, prosecute that guys case / plead it down as low-hanging fruit BEFORE The Chauvin murder trial to enable the cases with greater jeopardy to have the fairest process possible. The prosecutor has an ethical obligation to pursue Justice, not a political conviction.
by Mike S
Tue Jun 09, 2020 5:29 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: George Floyd who died from drug overdose was from Texas
Replies: 249
Views: 115152

Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas

Rafe wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:59 pm
flechero wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 2:41 pm What's tragic is that everyone- black, white and other was outraged at Floyd's murder... we all called it murder from the start. It's being used to fuel racism where there was not racism. Now it's "us against them" and whites this and whites that. :confused5

I saw several interviews- sadly, no real sorrow for Floyd, just a bunch of racist rhetoric.

Where is the outrage for the loss of life in chicago last weekend or at any of the looting and riots? Making all white people the enemy is only going to make it WORSE. It's like the end goal is a race war or something. Disgusting.
The service has wrapped and televised coverage continues with the horse-drawn hearse procession to the cemetery; 4 hours 45 minutes of television coverage so far.

The Rev. Al Sharpton is one of the most racist individuals I know. And yes, absolutely, this has been made into nothing but racist rhetoric.

Dear Rev. Sharpton, let's please look at the definition of racism: "a belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent uniqueness, separation, or specialness among human beings."

Rev. Sharpton, what you constantly preach is that African Americans are somehow innately different, unique, or special from other people. You do not preach or espouse equality; you preach difference, divisiveness, and defiance.

The inconvenient truth is that, biologically, there is absolutely no such thing as "race" among human beings. None. In the taxonomy of science, there would have have to be subspecies of Homo Sapiens Sapiens before there could be a different races. There are not. We are all of one and the same species.

In fact, Rev. Sharpton, of the 3.2 billion DNA markers in each of our genomes, all human beings who have ever lived are approximately 99.7% identical. We're not only more alike than different, but we are all virtually identical. Of the genetic markers that help define our differences at global population levels--Africa, West Eurasia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Oceania, Northeast Asia, and Americas; what you might point to as the true, genetic measure of diversity--population geneticists estimate there are approximately 4 or 5 million markers, called single nucleotide polymorphisms, that can potentially differentiate one ancestral population from another. That's 0.156% of our DNA.

We, none of us, are different, unique, or special. We are human.

All of us came out of Africa. All of us. Whether you subscribe to scripture or evolution, we all had a common origin. And we were all dark-skinned. Rev. Sharpton, do you know why my skin is pale and yours is dark? Vitamin D. That's the only reason. Vitamin D. Some of the humans who left Africa moved north into Eurasia. The ice age came, the Last Glacial Maximum, and it began to greatly reduce the sunlight reaching the northern latitudes. Our bodies synthesize vitamin D from sunlight, and without sufficient vitamin D humans are at far greater risk of dying from multiple problems, including heart failure, and insufficiencies impact fertility and successful births. Light colored skin absorbs sunlight at far greater levels than does dark skin. What was a distinct advantage in sub-Saharan Africa could have been a death knell in sunless northern Europe and Asia many millennia ago. The bodies of my ancestors had to adapt to survive, and they did so by losing skin pigmentation. White people didn't gain something special, something genetically unique. We're pale because we lost something. We needed vitamin D, so our bodies lost the pigmentation we had originally had before emigrating from Africa.

From January 1, 2017, through March 31, 2020, police in the United States killed over 24% more white people than Black. You, Rev. Sharpton, are not different, unique, or special. Neither am I, and neither was George Floyd.

This should be a human issue, a humanitarian issue. Not a Black vs. white issue. Please, Rev. Sharpton, you should be preaching equality and God's love for all mankind. Please, please entreaty God in prayer and listen to Him openly, and then decide if you should continue your racist rhetoric, to continue to fulminate an illogical, deep division among what you call "races." I pray that if you truly open your heart to God that His love and grace will inform you, and you will finally realize the error in your ways. That we must embrace all men as brothers. All men. Not just those whose skin pigmentation looks a bit more like our own. Otherwise the only race, the human race, is doomed.
VERY well stated.
by Mike S
Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:52 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: George Floyd who died from drug overdose was from Texas
Replies: 249
Views: 115152

Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas

To be clear, I'm not saying the officer didn't contribute to his cardiac arrest. What I am saying is there's a lot more contributing factors than just the officer holding him down, & that to me I don't see a strangulation/pressure on his neck that would cause asphyxiation.

Yes, I've watched a couple videos of the incident, & yes it was very disturbing watching a man die while the crowd was pleading for (1) Mr Floyd to comply with the police, & (2) for the police to 'see' that Mr Floyd had lost consciousness & was bleeding from the nose. We literally saw a fellow human pass from this life on that video, and we felt the anguish & helplessness of the crowd to intervene. Yes, that affected me too, & I've seen some carnage in my life.

To your questions:
1. I don't know if he would still be alive. Mr Floyd was complaining of difficulty breathing before he was removed from the police car, so he may have already been going into cardiac arrest & feeling pressure in his chest, or perhaps a 'panic attack' / claustrophobia. (I believe the reason cited in the probably cause affidavit for removing Mr Floyd from the police car was that the officers believed he was in health crisis, & had called for EMS). The pre-existing health conditions + fentanyl/meth MAY have been factors, but in the end I'd be speculating. I don't know if the position he was held in was a contributing factor to the cardiac arrest, or positional asphyxia, but it COULD have. Knee's to the neck HAVE been cited as increasing the risk of positional asphyxia, BUT I don't know if much pressure was actually applied to Mr Floyd's neck (he was still talking with the officers and crowd up until the point he lost consciousness, & when the airway is occluded a person usually can't speak, at least not clearly. There are also moments in the video where daylight can be seen between the officer's knee & Mr Floyds neck, so I don't think (but I don't KNOW) that the pressure was constant nor enough to occlude his airway or carotid artery.

2. Would he have still died regardless? Again, I don't know. But with pre-existing conditions + fentanyl/meth, I'd imagine he might not have been able to be resuscitated. Had the officers placed Mr Floyd in a different position, or lots of other factors, there MAY have been a different outcome.
by Mike S
Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:41 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: George Floyd who died from drug overdose was from Texas
Replies: 249
Views: 115152

Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas

srothstein wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:22 am
Killadocg23 wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 8:46 am Independent/Private autopsy report says George Floyd died from asphyxiation..... interesting (even though we figured that all along). Was somebody trying to cover for the cops during that first autopsy CNN posted?
Independent autopsy also says there is no evidence in the body of the neck compression because it disappears as soon as the compression is released. So how does he know it killed him?
Asphyxiation is also a general term. There's a phenomenon called 'positional asphyxiation', where a person dies of asphyxiation from how their body is positioned, usually with aggravating factors such as underlying health factors (obesity; cardio-respiratory) & drug use (cocaine has been documented as a factor at least since 1996; CNS suppressants; etc). Laying a subject prone is also an aggravating factor, but I'm not sure if side-prone (lateral recumbent position) like Floyd was placed in is a factor.
Risk factors which may increase the chance of death include prolonged (particularly resisted) restraint, obesity, prior cardiac or respiratory problems, and the use of illicit drugs such as cocaine.[5] Other issues in the way the subject is restrained can also increase the risk of death, for example kneeling or otherwise placing weight on the subject and particularly any type of restraint hold around the subject's neck. Research measuring the effect of restraint positions on lung function suggests that restraint which involves bending the restrained person or placing body weight on them has more effect on their breathing than face-down positioning alone.[6]

It won't be a popular statement, but since Floyd was complaining of difficulty breathing BEFORE he was placed on the ground; complained of being claustrophobic; was a large man (aggravating factor for positional asphyxia); had cardio disease (aggravating factor for positional asphyxia); had fentanyl & traces of meth in his system (aggravating factor for positional asphyxia); and there's no objective evidence of neck compression (which WOULD HAVE been an aggravating factor, if present), I'm thinking Chauvin will be acquitted/found not guilty in the end.

(I watched the video, & it did impact me. I'm not being cold here, but in an objective look at this taking in all the publicly available info, I just don't see the prosecution being able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Chauvin's actions were the proximate cause of Floyd's death.)

In the end, I'm not surprised that the "independent autopsy" from Crump's hired examiner used generic but easily conflated language.
by Mike S
Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:28 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: George Floyd who died from drug overdose was from Texas
Replies: 249
Views: 115152

Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas

parabelum wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 8:49 am
Grayling813 wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:27 pm Foxnews reports says cop and deceased worked together at same nightclub..... ... cted-today
Interesting. Coincidence?
Shallow depth of their reporting. Other article I read quoted owner of that same nightclub as saying they doubted the two ever worked together, as Floyd worked part time on weekdays, & Chauvin moonlighted on some weekends.

It's unfortunate that no media outlets (liberal / conservative / impartial (if impartial media even exists) is willing to paint a coherent picture of the entire events, including:

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