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by Mark G26
Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:06 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: purchasing a new handgun
Replies: 31
Views: 4319

Xander wrote:
Renegade wrote:Please post a sample insurance policy. I do not believe they require a perp walk. I think a lot of folks like to play the "insurance card", and thus blameing an unknown, unnamed, unseen insurance policy, but I myself have NEVER seen one that requires this.
Lots of times (particularly when dealing with large companies) it isn't insurance that requires it, it's their legal department. Large corporations have money, which means they're targets, which means their legal departments tend to come up with draconian requirements that staff has to follow in order to minimize that liability. I regularly work with clients who have to be careful to make sure that even simple things like privacy policies are accurate and up to date, and user email addresses don't get exposed, often under the threat of having their projects no-go'ed by legal, and occasionally under the threat of immediate termination. Often, what legal says, goes, period. And the legal departments of large corporations tend to be very, very serious about minimizing the risk of potential lawsuits.
Thanks Xander for the post....

The companies Risk Management Department is also involved.

Risk=exposure to liability/loss/claims

Controlling risk controls loss/liability exposure/lawsuits and also lowers premium.

Guns = Risk/Exposure/loss/claims, thus the reason for the escort out of the building with a new gun.

Of course, the commercial liability policy does not have a “perp� clause/exclusion. Insurance companies do look at risk/exposure when considering issuing and rating a policy no matter what kind of a insurance policy.

Back to my original point- "The only reason why one cannot carry their new gun out of the store is liability exposure "while in the store". Insurance claims/lawsuits driven- period".
by Mark G26
Fri Oct 19, 2007 7:11 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: purchasing a new handgun
Replies: 31
Views: 4319

frankie_the_yankee wrote:
Mark G26 wrote: The same liability exposure is not there for small gun shops. They open carry side arms in their store. You do not see armed sales people at Basspro, Academy etc...
While I might agree, I strongly doubt that insurance companies are that "hip" to reality. I would think they would take the attitude that the less people went around armed the better.

Otherwise (meaning if they would get a cheaper liability rate), you would see armed clerks at Basspro, etc.
Mark G26 wrote: Insurance companies rate the exposure differently. Most people at small gun shops are interested in guns. Not the case at Basspro etc..
frankie_the_yankee wrote:How would this affect the liability rate that the store would pay?
More people in the store equals greater exposure. For example, people in small towns pay lower vehicle liability rates that urban areas. Less chance of a loss.

Your corner gas station will pay a lower rate than a Loves gas station for the same liability coverage and the same reasons as stated above. Your corner store will also not likely require as high of a policy limit either which equals lower premiums.

Regurding being armed, a bank would pay a higher rate for not having an armed guard in a bank. The armed guard, obviously, is there to lower the chance of loss.
by Mark G26
Thu Oct 18, 2007 11:25 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: purchasing a new handgun
Replies: 31
Views: 4319

frankie_the_yankee wrote:
Mark G26 wrote: The only reason why one cannot carry their new gun out of the store is liability exposure "while in the store". Insurance claims/lawsuits driven- period.
So... individually owned stores don't have the same issues with liability insurance?

I would think that if it were cheaper to get such insurance if they had a 'perp walk' policy, small stores would have a greater need to do it than a large chain would. Given their smaller buying power, they have an uphill climb competing against the big chains, as it is, especially on accessories. So anything they could do to cut their costs I'm sure they would do.
The same liability exposure is not there for small gun shops. They open carry side arms in their store. You do not see armed sales people at Basspro, Academy etc... Insurance companies rate the exposure differently. Most people at small gun shops are interested in guns. Not the case at Basspro etc..
by Mark G26
Thu Oct 18, 2007 11:08 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: purchasing a new handgun
Replies: 31
Views: 4319

seamusTX wrote:
AEA wrote:I can understand their policy on this though........they just sell a gun to somebody, do the phone check, and instead of handing over the gun to someone that may load it from ammo in their pocket and either rob or shoot up the place, they walk them out, ensuring the gun remains empty.
This policy got started because a guy went to Wal-Mart, bought a weapon, and then shot his ex-wife who worked there.

Fat lot of good it does, because you can just load in the parting lot, turn around, and walk back into the store.

- Jim
The only reason why one cannot carry their new gun out of the store is liability exposure "while in the store". Insurance claims/lawsuits driven- period.

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